Could a sex strike stop men from fighting?
Last night I was watching the pix news and they had a story on there that caught my eye. I'm not sure exactly where it is. I was trying to find the story on line but I'm not sure I found the exact one.
I did find a few similar stories about the same thing.
The story was about some village women who wanted to trade their goods with a near by village. But with the road between the villages being very dangerous because the men folk were always battling with the men folk the other village it was next to impossible to trade goods.
So the women came up with a plan to withhold sex until the men stop fighting. It worked. The men stopped fighting and the road became safe again and the economies of both villages improved.
I think this a great idea. Most wars are fought because of men being overly macho.
I asked a few people at work if they have ever withheld sex till they got their way. The answers were about as expected from some.
Some said no they never had.
Some said you bet I have.
Sometimes a got a good laugh when I asked them the question.
Most of the guys so far have said their wives have never used sex in that way.( That they know of. lol)
Some guys said it was used allot by their wives.
One guy said he has uses it to get his way with his wife.
Looking on the internet this has happened a number of times through out history. I'm not sure how successful they have all been but I think it's really something that should be given allot more thought.
Sometimes women had even gotten prostitutes to stop their trade for awhile so the men had no where to turn until they improved things around them.
Maybe the spouses of all those politicians should consider doing it when things get stuck in committee or what ever excuse they use to not get the job done that needs to be done, when it needs to be done.
Just a pondering thought for the day.