
Showing posts from August, 2011

Pondering the After effect of Irene

While I'm sitting here in Wisconsin watching the news about the after effect of Irene I'm kind of glad I live where I do and experiencing the kind of weather that we have right now. But I keep thinking about all those people who have to deal with what Irene did to them. Wisconsin has had a fair share of dealing with Mother Nature and feeling it's unfair or wrong. This year we have had a very wet summer. Not right now but earlier. Right now I think things might be heading into fall. We just might be getting thrown into fall sooner then we want to. The husband has noted that he has not seen a Robin for awhile. Which I can't remember when was the last time I've seen one myself. Usually they are here until maybe into September, I think. Does this mean we will be drop kicked into winter before we know it? Lots or snow or really cold temps or both? I don't know if I'm ready for that. Not to say we have not been dropped into winter before. I can remember being ...

Pondering, A whole lot of shaking going on

Well, the East Coast was hit by a 5.8 earthquake.  But Colorado was also hit by a 5.2 earthquake. And Peru was hit by a 7.0 earthquake. These are just the biggest one that you hear about. I wonder who will next? I was wondering if this is normal activity. Well, it is. Earthquakes are happening all the time. Most you don't feel. Japan had a 6.3 one on the 19th. Point Mackezie, AK had a 1.5 today and Pinnacles  Cal Had a 1.9 today also. And yesterday there were 116 quakes ranging from 1.0 to 4.2. And that is just in the US alone. Now that is a whole lot of shaking. But now I guess most of the news attention will now turn to the hurricane. I wonder where that one will hit? All I know is, it's not here. Although, Mother Nature has been stirring things up around here in different ways. Like yesterday we had wind and about an inch of rain in a very short amount of time. And a tornado or two south of here a ways.  I think one man was killed. I guess no one is safe when Mother...

Pondering: How did we become such a bitter world?

How did we become such a bitter, dangerous world? Knowing that a seventeen year old was able to plan out a horrendous act of causing major destruction at his former school and almost being able to put his plan into action by himself, is very scary. Just think of all the others out there that are still unknown. It makes it very hard to live a carefree life. Unfortunately, it's the world we live in. We have created a world where we can't trust anyone. Everyone is the boogie man.  I for one am very tired of living my life surrounded by nothing but negativity. I want to change. But how?  When the people around you can think of nothing but negative thoughts. Telling you only bad will happen. Coming to conclusions that only think of bad results or reasons. I want to think about harmony with everything around me. People, animals, the true beauty of the world around us.  Will it ever happen? I might be able to find some way to increase positive energy around me, someday. But t...

Pondering the Credit Downgrade

Thanks  to all the dumb games politicians have been playing we are all going to be paying big time for a long, long time. I kind of get a feeling the big change that is coming is not only because of the changes the planet is going through but will be be made a whole lot worse because of the games our so called leaders have been playing.  Not just the US, but all countries are being manipulated by greedy, over controlling leaders. All great empires eventually come to end. Our time is just around the corner. If I was asked on how to help fix the budget I would make a couple of suggestions to start with. One, I would have all national guard troops come home right now.  As far as I know right now the definition for national guard is to defend OUR homeland, not the land of another country. And to be here when the military is not on our land. Second, would be to stop playing world police. No matter what the leaders reasoning is in interfering in other countries issues we are ...