Pondering Common sense
Does common sense exist any more?
I was asking people this question today at work just to see what kind of answers I would get.
Some said yes.
Some said nope.
A few said it's on life support.
I then asked a couple other questions, like:
Do politicians have common sense?
Everyone said.
Do bankers have common sense?
Most said no. Some said that some do but not much.
When it comes to the politicians I don't think anyone of them has any common sense.
Take the recent scandal over sending a boner to some different females via twitter.
I just want to ask why he thought it would not be found by others. When are people going to learn not to put those kind of pictures out there on the internet. I always watch what I put out there. I don't put many personal pics out there that could be used by someone else in away that it could be used in ways that it was not meant to be. It's just another sign that politicians feel they are above the common person. They are in other words self-centered, egomaniacs, that are extremely greedy.
When it comes to bankers, I could say the exact same thing.
I was thinking about those two high powered banks who have been exposed for the pigs they really are. Thinking they could take advantage of someone who is not of their social class, doing whatever they want to them and not have to answer to anyone. It's just wrong.
This is just a couple of examples of the lack of common sense. There are so many more things that could be said.
We have to find someway to get more common sense out there or we will be seeing this someday very soon.