Sunday Morning thoughts

Another quiet Sunday morning waiting for the sun to come up. I wish I could sleep longer on the weekends but no matter what I'm up before the sun.
Yesterday I had to dog sit for the youngest while she was spending the day with friends, so it was a kind of quiet day, considering I had two dogs running around the house.
We found out that of our three turkey's one is a tom. We found this out when a wild tom showed up and started strutting around the pen. Our tom tried to fan out but the bigger tom out fanned him. The first day he strutted outside the pen our turkeys would mostly just lie down but after a day they just started to ignore the bigger tom. I was going to get a picture of the big guy but thought he would stick around longer, so no picture. But if he does show up again I will have my camera handy, just in case.
Now that I know we have two hens and one tom I have to think of names for them. Maybe I'll call them Jack, Chrissy and Janet. But that's still up in the air.

Well that's enough turkey talk, lets see what can I say about this last week.
My heart goes out to all the miners family who lost their loved ones in the mine explosion. Especially the ones who thought their loved ones could still have been alive. I don't know anything about how mining works but isn't there some way that miners can have some kind of device on them, maybe in their pocket somewhere, that would make them easier to find if something like this happens. I know it would cost allot of money to require this kind of extra thing on every miner. But in the long run it could save lives and money.
As for the owner of this mine the only thing I can say is you asked for this by cutting corners and slacking off on keeping up with safety. But he could be a typical big business man. More worried about getting more and more out in a shorter amount of time and not taking into consideration the lives it takes to get the job done right. Karma at work.

The plane crash that killed the Polish president and allot of other top people in their government is also a very sad thing. I hope the polish people and government will be able to move on without to much trouble. What I mean by this is I hope no one decides to take over things in a way that civil unrest happens and causes the country to become unstable.

When is Sarah Palin going to fad into the compost pile where she belongs? As you can tell I am no fan of hers. I'll never understand why so many people follow her. To me she never really says anything. She just wants to see her face on TV as much as she can. As for her getting her own show, not going to watch it. As for people who want to see her run of president, it's time to step back and see the reality of her bad preaching. She will shot first and never look of the truth. Maybe she is just being used to keep things stirred up till the next election. She could be a decoy.
I still think mother nature will settle everything for us in ways most don't think possible.

Well the sun is coming up and I think I should go have my breakfast, watch the news and then get on with the rest of my day. There is a craft show in town today maybe I'll take a lap around it to check things out and see who I can see.
So you all have a good day. I'll post again soon, I hope.


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