The Moon

I'm have a hell of time today posting but I'm going to give it another try.
I have been enjoying the moon for the past few days. They say this is the closest the moon is to earth for this year. It's been so bright that you don't need a light to see your way around outside.

A number of years ago we were driving south on the road that is just to the east of us when the husband suddenly said, "Wow! You have got to see this."
Now him forever looking for deer while we are driving, I thought he saw a huge buck standing in the road we had just past. When we backed up I saw it was the moon. There were trees on either side of this road with the moon lined up in such away that it made it look many times larger then it should have been. Almost like you could drive into it, which we tried just for fun.
To this day I wish I had a camera with me or that I could see it again. It really makes you understand how small we really are.


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