Happy New Years to all
Welcome to 2009!!
I would like to say that I hope everyone has a better year then the last but unfortunately it will a year where everyone will have to start learning to live allot differently then they are use to.
Different could be better.
Learning to live or doing things in ways that you have never done before.
It could be the kind of year that is an adventure for all.
But it will also make it allot scarier, not knowing what is around the next corner.
Do you make new years resolutions?
I think about it, but I've decided to make life resolutions.
Life resolutions are not things you say you are going to do at the beginning of a new year and only stick to for a maybe a few weeks or couple of months tops, but things you plan on working on for the rest of your life. These things can be done at any time. If you follow the moon cycles you do things according to that. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. If it does not that means it's not time for that kind of change.
Things like, attitudes towards life.
To be a calmer more excepting person.
To be more excepting of yourself.
That only you can change your own energy around you.
Positive energy can bring about positive changes with an open mind.
What am I working on? Well, for one, whining. I realize I whine to much about things I have no power over changing.
I like to use the excuse that I work with cheese and when you work with cheese you whine. Because cheese and whine do go together. Get it. I can say that working where I work I have seen the whiner in everyone come out in ways they never thought it would.
I also want to work on my creative side more. I think if I can focus on my creative side more maybe I will not worry about things that are beyond my control.
I have been working on these things for awhile but it's not easy when you grow up hearing so many negative things from others around you.
Not much encouragement from people around you when you say you want to try something different.
I know I can do anything I set my mind to.
But the hardest thing to get rid of is those inner negative voices of past words spoken by people closest to you.
That is one of the many things I'm working on for me. But I will warn you now I will slip from time to time on this blog. But maybe I'll just call it venting. We all have to vent from time to time.
A few things I hope to share on this space of mine are more pictures of things around me or things I've seen.
Another is more about Paulina and what she is up to. Would you believe she is looking for her own space? She thinks she's found one. The only thing she told me is it once belonged to a Barbie.
I will post pictures of the animals around here. People I've met, places I go. That kind of stuff.
From time to time I plan on writing a story or two. Some long, some short.
Hopefully more often then I have been.
So I'll raise my glass to a more productive blog.
To Pondering Pages!!!!!!
I would like to say that I hope everyone has a better year then the last but unfortunately it will a year where everyone will have to start learning to live allot differently then they are use to.
Different could be better.
Learning to live or doing things in ways that you have never done before.
It could be the kind of year that is an adventure for all.
But it will also make it allot scarier, not knowing what is around the next corner.
Do you make new years resolutions?
I think about it, but I've decided to make life resolutions.
Life resolutions are not things you say you are going to do at the beginning of a new year and only stick to for a maybe a few weeks or couple of months tops, but things you plan on working on for the rest of your life. These things can be done at any time. If you follow the moon cycles you do things according to that. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. If it does not that means it's not time for that kind of change.
Things like, attitudes towards life.
To be a calmer more excepting person.
To be more excepting of yourself.
That only you can change your own energy around you.
Positive energy can bring about positive changes with an open mind.
What am I working on? Well, for one, whining. I realize I whine to much about things I have no power over changing.
I like to use the excuse that I work with cheese and when you work with cheese you whine. Because cheese and whine do go together. Get it. I can say that working where I work I have seen the whiner in everyone come out in ways they never thought it would.
I also want to work on my creative side more. I think if I can focus on my creative side more maybe I will not worry about things that are beyond my control.
I have been working on these things for awhile but it's not easy when you grow up hearing so many negative things from others around you.
Not much encouragement from people around you when you say you want to try something different.
I know I can do anything I set my mind to.
But the hardest thing to get rid of is those inner negative voices of past words spoken by people closest to you.
That is one of the many things I'm working on for me. But I will warn you now I will slip from time to time on this blog. But maybe I'll just call it venting. We all have to vent from time to time.
A few things I hope to share on this space of mine are more pictures of things around me or things I've seen.
Another is more about Paulina and what she is up to. Would you believe she is looking for her own space? She thinks she's found one. The only thing she told me is it once belonged to a Barbie.
I will post pictures of the animals around here. People I've met, places I go. That kind of stuff.
From time to time I plan on writing a story or two. Some long, some short.
Hopefully more often then I have been.
So I'll raise my glass to a more productive blog.
To Pondering Pages!!!!!!