
Showing posts from September, 2008


Fall is here. Everything is falling. Leaves, acorns, stocks, banks, incomes, hope and soon there will be snow. Which means that there will bigger raises in the prices of everything in our lives. Will we be able to figure out the best way to get things under control? How long will it take to feel comfortable in life again? Where did it all begin? Who is really in control of things? In my opinion greed has taken over the whole world. Nothing the average person can do will help. Maybe we should all go back to the barter system. We need to learn to live within our means. Having everything does not make you a better person. Being a happy healthy human being will get you allot farther in life then having the latest so called hottest trend in your home. Live simply and stress will be lower in your life. I believe that no matter what we humans believe about being in control is totally wrong. Mother nature will decide our fate. And right now I believe she is going through the change. So hang...

Summery Sunday

What a week everywhere. Stock market was like being on a roller coaster. I wonder if it's going to level off any time soon? My guess would be, nope. After being off for a week from work it's always a little hard getting back into the swing of things. My feet take a while to get use to walking on that cement floor in steel toed shoes for over 8 hours a day, again. At least I didn't have to have work Saturday. My husband on the other hand had to work extra hours on Friday and Saturday. He also made some hay this week. He's a bit tired and plans on taking the day to relax. Friday was a very interesting day at work. First I heard about a scandal on second shift over pie that we were given the other day at work as a treat from the company. They do that sort of thing for us maybe once a month. When they offer pie and ice cream to us they call it "A pie and ice cream social". Any way the way I originally heard the story was that some woman took two pieces of pie. Im...

Vaction animals

Well we made it back from vacation in one piece. At least we didn't kill each other, but he was starting to get on my nerves. It just might be the last one for awhile depending on how much more out of control things will become. As we traved out there it was not hard to see that so much has changed in just the last year. Last year my husband and I took a trip to the Pacific Ocean. It was also a good trip. One of the big differences I noticed from last year was not only allot fewer big campers but also allot fewer semi's. At least it seamed like I saw allot few, almost half I think. And this was before Ike hit Texas. How much higher will things get this year alone? Enough about that. My husband was very happy this year with the number of different animals we saw and that we were able to get some good close up pictures of them. Here are a few that we saw. This is a herd of elk we saw just before we got to Yellowstone park. All does and no males until we got to the town just insid...

How you know you have a bear

My husband and I took a walk in the back woods on Labor Day. We walked around the corn field next to the woods and this is what we saw. Actually we were out there twice. The first time we went out there is when we found the damage to the corn. My husband was a little nervous after we found the spots. He wished he had brought his pistol with just in case a bear would show up. We went back out there later so he could put up a trail camera. This time he had his pistol with him. We didn't see any bear but we chased a few turkeys around the woods. Sorry no picks of the turkeys. They're quick buggers. I wanted to get some pictures of some turkeys that keep coming into the yard, but they are very jumpy. Every time I try to get a picture they seam to know it and start heading away as fast as they can. But when I can I will post it. Friday if all goes well with my husband getting a shot in his back, we will be heading to the west. Hopefully we will be able to explore Montana for a wee...