
Dear Beings From Another World,

Dear Beings From Another World, I hope this letter finds you all well. I know your first questions are: Where is this coming from? Who or what is this? And why do you want to talk to us? To answer the first question:   This is where I am from. We call it Earth. We are the third planet from our sun. Planet is what we call things that rotate around a sun. A sun is the hot thing usually in the center with things rotating around it. At least that's what I call a definition. I'm sure you have your own way of describing things. As for what am I:    We call ourselves humans. We come in many different colors, shapes and beliefs.  Now I suppose you are wondering why I'm contacting you. Well, I just thought it was time we got to know one another in a peaceful way. Slowly. Not all at once. We'll just start out with a few Hi! How are you today? And little by little get to know things about one another. But I will warn you that there are a lot of people (another way we describe o...

Just ranting.

I've been watching too much news lately. I usually get ticked off when ex president Dweeb is on or some of those other Maga morons. The last thing I just saw on Yahoo was a head line that said he said, "If he is not re-elected there will be a blood bath". How can anyone still stand behind someone like that? Someone answer me because I don't understand. All he does is promote hate. As for being a religious person, he can't even quote one thing from the bible. He says it's a personal thing. Most people who are followers of the bible can quote a lot of different things from the bible at the drop of a hat. He can't. He only wants to BE worshiped himself.  Why do people think he is the second coming? He, in my book, is the anti-Christ. He promotes hate instead of trying to find a solution to problems in better ways.  Does he understand that he can only serve for four years if he got elected again? Or does this dictator thing make it not so? And what makes him t...

Turn or the Century ideas

I was trying to think of what to write here all week. Then I remembered a book I have called "...And you think you've got it Bad by Barbara Fairchild Gramm. It's a book with a collection of turn-of-the Century Life and House-keeping things and ads. It's really very interesting on the beliefs and the things they were encouraged to do or follow back then compared to today.  Here is an example: Care of Infant Many babies die before they are a week old because they are handled too much or not taken care of intelligently. The first bath coming too early kills many. Your very own elbow is the best test of the temperature of the bathwater. But before the child is twelve days old, cleansing of the skin can be done with olive oil or lard. For a stuffed up nose in an infant, a squirt or two of breast milk dripped into the nostrils will make darling baby sneeze, then sleep.        I wonder how this idea really worked back then or how many people followed this advice. All I...

No one wants to listen to me anyway so......

Well, I see no one is dropping in to see what I have to say so, I guess I can write as much nonsense as I want. Be it the truth as I see it or just plan fiction.  Lets see what do I write today. Maybe how screwed we all are thanks to every leader in this little world. How did we get to this point that in most places you are afraid to just live and be you? Someone is always there to condemn what you are doing or they are just jealous that  you are living a content life. They just want to destroy what you have so they can bring you down to their level. If they are unhappy everyone else must be too.  Then you have the people that what to control everyone around. Make people fear them to the point that they feel they have no free will or thoughts that can be expressed without being eliminated one way or another. One way they use is religion. I was raised Lutheran but I'm not a practicing one. I like to look at myself as a kind of free spirit who believes we should be listenin...

Pondering what is the best kind of government to live under

Here are the definitions of some of the types of rules people live under. These are the definitions I found in a Webster dictionary.(Copyright 1989) DEMOCRACY: Government by the people, usually through elected representatives; A state so governed; social equality; The principles of the Democratic party. DICTATOR: An autocrat, an absolute ruler; someone who acts like a petty tyrant. DICTATORSHIP: The office or period of power of a dictator; A form of government in which power is held by a dictator without effective constitutional checks.  MONARCH: A person ruling, usually by hereditary right and for his lifetime, over a kingdom or people, and invested with either absolute or constitutional power; The chief person or thing of its kind of class. MONARCHY: A state ruled by a monarch; Rule by a monarch. REPUBLIC: A form of government in which the head of state is an elected president rather than a monarch; A form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people ...

A quiet day

Well I'm back for day two or I guess you can call it Sunday. I'm not sure how many have or will look at this blog. It doesn't matter I guess. So today I will tell you about what I experienced a few weekends ago. The husband was out sitting on the deck. It was a very warm day for this time of year in Wisconsin. We had no snow on the ground. The temps were in the forties. Anyway I decided to join him outside. When I got out there it felt weird. It was completely quiet. No animals were making any noise. No human noise could be heard. The wind was completely still. It felt to me as if the world was holding it's breath just waiting for something big to happen. I didn't stay out there to long. I did have things to do in the house. That and  the air to me just felt so surreal it just made me feel very uncomfortable.  I guess the question to ask is have you ever experienced a moment in time where it felt like the whole world was holding its breath just waiting for something...

Hello! I'm back again, I think.

At least I'm going to try and be back again. I know it's been over two years since I wrote anything. If you are wondering I'm fine. Life is life. I did lose me mother to colon cancer last year. I also became a grandma again to another little girl. So I have two granddaughters. The husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's. Those are the highlights of my life right now that I can think of writing to you about. I'll add other highlights as time goes by. Right now my plan is to post something on the weekends. It's about the only time I can do it without to many distractions.  What do I plan on doing this time you ask. Well, I might be posting  what I like to call a survey question. I've got a list of them that I like to ask people from time to time.  I could once again comment on other happenings going on in the world. But I won't do that this time. Maybe tomorrow. That is if a post two days in a row on the weekends.  I will comment on the weather. Not today m...