Pondering what is the best kind of government to live under

Here are the definitions of some of the types of rules people live under. These are the definitions I found in a Webster dictionary.(Copyright 1989)

DEMOCRACY: Government by the people, usually through elected representatives; A state so governed; social equality; The principles of the Democratic party.

DICTATOR: An autocrat, an absolute ruler; someone who acts like a petty tyrant.
DICTATORSHIP: The office or period of power of a dictator; A form of government in which power is held by a dictator without effective constitutional checks. 

MONARCH: A person ruling, usually by hereditary right and for his lifetime, over a kingdom or people, and invested with either absolute or constitutional power; The chief person or thing of its kind of class.
MONARCHY: A state ruled by a monarch; Rule by a monarch.

REPUBLIC: A form of government in which the head of state is an elected president rather than a monarch; A form of government in which the sovereign power is widely vested in the people either directly or through elected representatives; A state with either of these forms of government; A society whose members are equally engaged in the same activity.

MILITARY GOVERNMENT: A government established in conquered territory by the conquering power, whose laws adopt or replace the formerly prevailed civil law.

THEOCRACY: Government by priests or men claiming to know the will of God; A state thus governed. 

I suppose your wondering why I'm pondering this. Well, it's because I believe the the world is in big, big trouble right now. With the elections happening in this country and the direction we are headed in, it's not looking good for anyone right now. 
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why so many people think that ex president Dweeb is the best choice for the country. Like why do people think he is the second coming of Christ? He can't even tell people what his favorite bible passage is. He can't even say anything from the bible. 
I saw a picture once where a bunch of people were praying for him for guidance from God. They all had their heads bowed, while he just stood there looking out at them as if they were bowing down to him. 
I just feel like there is something very wrong in this country and it's because of him and his extreme goons. Do the people who worship him understand what they are promoting to happen if he is once again in control? We will be a country just like Russia or North Korea. Only the top .05% will have the freedoms. The rest of us will be their slaves. It will be a military state.
If you want to live your life being told what to say. How to connect to a higher energy of whatever religion takes control of the the country. When things go really bad. Don't blame me. It's all on you for believing in a greedy, self centered, money hungry, totally unstable, orange Dweeb.
I do have a copy of the constitution if you want me start writing that to remind you what this country was suppose to be about. 
I will say that there is suppose to be a separation of church and state.
So stop trying to put religious beliefs into our laws now. 
This is a country started on the right to worship however you want.
I know people who read this will interpret this post however they want. 

This is what we are suppose to stand for.
If you want I will start posting the Constitution of the United States of America. 
Well that's it for now
Just remember, to Keep on Pondering the Pondering Possibilities.


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