No one wants to listen to me anyway so......
Well, I see no one is dropping in to see what I have to say so, I guess I can write as much nonsense as I want. Be it the truth as I see it or just plan fiction.
Lets see what do I write today. Maybe how screwed we all are thanks to every leader in this little world.
How did we get to this point that in most places you are afraid to just live and be you? Someone is always there to condemn what you are doing or they are just jealous that you are living a content life. They just want to destroy what you have so they can bring you down to their level. If they are unhappy everyone else must be too.
Then you have the people that what to control everyone around. Make people fear them to the point that they feel they have no free will or thoughts that can be expressed without being eliminated one way or another.
One way they use is religion. I was raised Lutheran but I'm not a practicing one. I like to look at myself as a kind of free spirit who believes we should be listening and respecting nature. I do have a long ways to go before I can do what I really want to around me. But I'm a work in progress. I will never push me ideals on to anyone as I hope they will do the same for me. I'm not condemning religion. I'm just not in favor of it controlling how you live your life. You know, how to dress, when to and how to pray that kind of stuff.
Well, I like to write when I'm by myself without the husband up and about so I will close for now.
I'm hoping next time I can write longer.
So remember,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.