A short story: The Perfect Moment Until...

Hi all!
I told you I was going to try different things this year. So I've been writing a short story this week. It's something I do from time to time. The only problem is when I come up with these ideas I'm at work. It's hard most days to find the time to write them down or at least the idea of them. But I think I've found a way to write bits and pieces of them from time to time. So here is the first one I've been working on. 
Right now I'm calling this one:

As Sally sat down on the bench under a big oak tree next to the river, she kicked off her shoes and dug her toes into the sand.
After a long day of standing on her feet the sand felt so good between her toes.
As she relaxed on the bench a mother duck and her babies swan by. They couldn't have been more then a day or two old. One of them dashed off chasing a possible bug. When it realized they others weren't waiting for him, he double timed it peeping all the way as if saying, "Wait for me!"
Sally looked out across the water thinking that this moment was the best moment of the day. The weather was perfect. Hardly a cloud in the sky. Just the small puffy ones slowly drifting by. The temperature was just right. A gentle breeze blowing from time to time causing some leaves to lazily flutter. A couple walked by with their arms wrapped around each other. He whispered something into her ear and she giggled. Sally smiled imagining what he could have said.
She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. As she slowly let it out she wiggled her toes a little deeper into the sand.
She could hear children playing in the park. The birds were singing their happy songs. A squirrel was chattering above her somewhere.
While she sat there drinking in all mother nature had to offer, she thought," This is the best way to end the day.
Suddenly she hears a very familiar voice say,"Oh look a bum sleeping on a park bench."
Just like that the perfect moment was shattered into a million pieces. 
Some children in the park were arguing over who's turn it was to go down the slide. A mother was telling her child to stop throwing sand at their sister.
When Sally opened her eyes she saw her. Walking away as if she said nothing. Jackie, the Queen of Snarkiness.
At that moment the squirrel in the tree dropped a shell from a peanut and it landed in her lap.
All Sally could say as she looked up was, "Really!"
She wanted to say something to Jackie before she got to far away but she knew it would fall on deaf ears.
Jackie was one of those people whose reply to most always had a what Sally likes to call, a snarky tone. It's kind of reply that makes you feel like they think you are idiot. You are wasting their time. They take a good day and throw it down the dumper with just one negative comment.
Sally knew that she will not get the perfect moment back, so she takes her feet out of the sand, wipes the sand off and puts her shoes back on. 
She sat for a few more minutes looking out across the water. Another mother duck and her babies came swimming back. The babies looked a little older then the last ones she saw. These babies were scavenging  alone the shore as quickly as they could. One baby climbed on to the shore and almost walked up to Sally but quickly changed direction to join the rest of the family.
"Maybe the whole day is not a total loss." Sally said out loud.
She got up and started to head down the path. 
Tomorrow will be a better day to find the perfect moment again. 
"See you tomorrow little ones," she said to the ducks.

Image result for snarky synonym

Well what do you think?
Just a little something I thought up this week. 
I do work with a lot of people I consider "Snarky". So I guess you can say this is a long time in coming. The story I mean. I know there is a lot more I could have added to this story, maybe I will continue with different things involving Sally as the main character. I kind of like her. I just might make it a way to vent after a day of working with snarky people.

Well that's all I have to say today.
Just remember to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.    


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