Something to ponder

Well I finally have a little time and energy to post a little something here.
I've had one question that has been rolling around in my head for some time.
"How does someone supervise over jobs they have never done?"
I always thought a supervisor was someone who had experience doing a job and that they could help someone else do the job if they needed help or advice.
You know someone who started at the bottom and worked their way up.
Someone who was able to do they job so well they could help someone honestly and productively. 
But now a days, people are hired from someplace else with no real experience doing that job. They have a degree that says they know how to be a boss. But they have no idea about the actual details of the job they are supervising over.

Image result for supervisor humour
It's sad.
They then try their best to get rid of the most experience so eventually they think they look smart to new people. Eventually the product quality will suffer. 

I have asked a number of people this question and they all like the question. Of course they are all common workers like me. I propose that others ask this question to whoever they think can answer  it honestly, without hesitation.

Here are a few jokes from a 1940's joke book:

Political Speaker:"All we need do, my friends is to keep a working majority."
Voice from the rear:: "You're wrong there. What this country needs is a majority working."

Salesman: Wouldn't you like to be your own boss?
Steno: No, what fun would it be for me to kiss myself?

Old lady: Are you a little boy or a little girl?
Child: What the heck else would I be?

Next time I'll share a few jokes form another joke book from 1956 called "Bedtime Laughs".

That's all I have to share with you today.
Remember: Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities. 


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