
My pondering questions:
If the truth is not the truth, then what is true? Is it the truth of one or the truth of many? And which truth is the truest true of the truth?

I know it's been a while since I posted. I now have more time to post here so I might be here more often.
It you want to know what I've been up to here is a cliff note version:
We hiked a few times. Here are a few pictures from those hikes:

We are done with the Chippewa Moraine Segment.
Our hikes are not as long as last year because of the husbands ankle, the weather from time to time and our jobs. I'm not sure how much more we will be hiking this year. I do recommend hiking different trails when ever you get the chance. You never know what you'll see.

I did do a plastic canvas project. This is something my son-in-law thought would be interesting to have. I offered to try and make one. Here it is:

 He wants to put it in their bathroom. 
If you don't know where it is from, it's from one of the first computer games. This one is called "The Oregon Trail". Not sure if it is still around. I plan on giving it to him this weekend because his birthday is this week. 
I do have another project started. Not sure when I will get it done.

I did start  a notebook about daily things happening that caught my attention. As you can tell, one of them is the recent comment by the presidents lawyer.
Maybe next time I'll write a post based on notes from the book.
I would write more but I've got things to do.
So maybe next time I'll show you a weeks worth of thoughts.
So remember to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities. 


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