September 2016
I know I'm late with a post. I usually do it on the first of the month.
I have not been in the mood to write. Not to say I have nothing to say. I do have plenty of that stored up.
In my head. But Not in the mood to put it down in writing.
This last month was an interesting one for different reasons for different people.
The weather was still doing what it always does, changing everyday.
Politics, it's like watching a couple of middle school kids fight to be number one in only a way middle school kids can. Calling names and making insulting comments about everyone not exactly like themselves.
I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my sanity till November not to say I have it now. I just might have to stop watching the news, answering the phone, reading the paper. The only way that will happen is if I crawl under a rock. But crawling under a rock will not help. Maybe it's time the country stop relying on a two party system and branch out to other choices. We are suppose to be a free country. Most days it does not feel that way.
I like to ask people if I started a new party called "The Common Sense Party" would they join. A lot people say they will but they don't want to be the leader.
Now I suppose you want to know about the Common Sense Party.
It's simple. It's based on common sense.
I know who is to say what common sense is. It's different for everyone.
That's where the hard part comes in.
One thing is, it won't be lead by big money. That is the problem with the world we live in today.Greed is getting is no where but more divided.
Bigger is not better.
I've noticed with a number of factories where they have grown way to big. That the bigger they get the worse the management gets to the workers. They demand way more then they should and give very little to the workers in the end. The workers are just numbers to them not people who do have lives and families that matter also. Some companies make it so hard to work and make a livable wage. They mess up the working hours. Not keeping the hours the same from day to day. When you can't a a steady working time your body gets messed up. Then the health problems get worse and the medical bills start pilling up and the worker ends up not being able to work and then has to rely on the government for them to get by.
Or is that the government plan to control the people. To make them depend on them and always to to them to live. And when the going gets really tough they ignore you making you feel like a piece of dirt and it's your fault what happened to you not them.
Companies use you, abuse you, and throw you away when they can not profit from you.
A number of factories instead of hiring a person for full time work use temp agencies. I live in a small town with a number of different factories. They are at least four temp services. The factories hire people through these agencies. The agency get so much of the works pay while the are working for that factory until the factory hires the worker as a full time employee. Guess what, a lot of the time the employer find some reason not to hire the worker or wants the worker to work a different shift. Some people can't or do not want to live a life backwards. They can say eventually you can get on the shift you want but there is a long list of people ahead of you. So the people stay where they are. Doing the same job as the full time employee's getting less because the temp agency gets a cut. This is how people get trapped and feel worse about themselves because they hit a road block everywhere they go. Keeping them down and feeling used while the top people are only getting richer at their expense.
I know this sounds dumb and off the wall but maybe it might get someone thinking about a better way to live.
That and I just wanted to ramble. Maybe next time I will have a more sense post.
Before I go I wanted to share one more thing with you.
We found a unicorn! Don't might the time stamp at the bottom. The husband can't get it set right.
Maybe now things will start to turn around.
I do want to say one more thing. I'm thinking of reinventing Ponder Pages. I have an idea but it's still in the working out stage. I'll keep you posted an that possibility.
So that's it for now.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.
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