Two Projects done

I know I promised these awhile ago but I've been kind of busy procrastinating doing it. So there.
Here they are.

This is the first one. Strawberries coasters! I've had this one done for awhile. It only took one weekend to get it done.

These are round metallic coasters with a castle holder. This one took awhile because of the cord. It can be a little tough pulling through the holes. I could have done it earlier but I was not in the mood to work on it after work at night before I went to bed.

I am suffering from a bad case of cabin fever plus I have a slight cold.
It is still too cold for me. Ever night has been below zero. With wind chills of close to 30 below. 
I know out east they  having lots of snow and a lot of people have no power, so they have even worse cases of cabin fever. So I guess we are a nation of victims of Mother Natures bad mood. 
But then again when I think about it, the whole world is being punished by her in one way or another.
We are bad guardians of the world and it's time to teach us that lesson once again.
I know I'm getting weird again. But when I'm suffering from cabin fever my nasty imagination wants to come out and play. Believe me it gets way out there. Not as out there as some do. But it gets out there. But what's to say my imagination is not the truth. Mother Nature is winding up for the biggest bitch slap we have ever know in my time.
So my advice to every country out there within reading distance, it's time to start preparing your people for the biggest changes they have ever known. 

It all boils down to one thing. The Earth is an ever changing entity. It has gone through big changes before and it will do it again in OUR life time. Unless you're one of those people who believes the Earth is only 6000 years old. Then you better hang on to your hat, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Well that's my ponder for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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