This is not a game!

"This is not a game." So says Boehner.
Well you could have fooled me.
He kind of remind's me of Colton from Survivor.
If you watch Survivor you know about this guy.
When things don't go his way or people don't play his idea of the game, where he is the ruler, he finds a way to quit. It turns out the last time he was on it he faked having an appendicitis attack.
Like Jeff said," Colton is one of those people that should never have gotten off the couch."
I'm not saying Boehner will quit. He just wants to make everyone live their life the way he wants. And he will destroy everything if it doesn't happen the way he wants.
When it comes to politics I will admit I know next to nothing about it. But I do have to live with the results of their decisions. Usually it's something that makes my life harder.
I would like to be able to go through life without other people trying to always take everything away from me, just because they can.
Between government, insurance companies and big business. The average person can not easily live. As soon as you get a little ahead there is someone there taking it from you. Majority of people are living on the edge because of those that rule over us.
I guess when you look at things it has always been that way. It doesn't matter where or when you live most people have to answer to a more powerful leader.
The way things are, it don't matter what happens, it can't fixed. So we are all screwed.
I better quit I'm depressing myself.
I would like to think that a new and better beginning is just around the corner.
Well that's my ponder for now. I hope I can come up with a more uplifting post for next time.
So till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.