
Bullying is once again in the news because another young girl was tormented till she couldn't take it any more.
My heart goes out to her family. 
As for the 14 year old and 12 year old that were behind most of it, well all I can say is that is a hard way to learn not to bully someone just to make yourself feel superior over someone . But is was learned behavior, as when it comes to this kind of behavior. Case in point the stepmother being arrested for beating on two boys. 
When you grow up in the kind of environment where bad behavior is considered normal and something that is glamorized on TV what do you expect the end result to be. 
I'm just glad that social media was not around when I was growing up or my life would have been a whole lot worse then it is. 
I was bullied when I was growing up. I try to put as many of those memories behind me as possible but, when I hear about another young person who has been pushed to the point of killing themselves, these memories come rushing to the forefront of my thinking. I wonder that if the internet had existed when I was growing up would I have had to deal with these same kind of threats.
Here's a memory I remember: A new girl had come to our school. I thought I could have a chance with a new person to start a friendship. We were in the lunch line when another girl leaned over and whispered into the new girls ear something about me. She then gave me that look that told me that no way would she be my friend now. She then joined the rest of my tormentors. 
There were allot of times I felt that they would be happiest if I did die, no great lose. But I'm very stubborn and decided I would never give any of them the satisfaction that they had that kind of power over me. I did develop a chip on my shoulder from always being on the defensive. But I look at most of their lives now and they are more messed up then I am. Unhappy in their lives because of the chooses they made. Bad relationships, drinking, and blaming the world for their less then perfect fairy tale life. 
I often wish I could say something or do something that would get people to stop doing this to one another but I can't. Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. Nothing we do will ever stop it. It's a great idea to get the word out to as many people as possible but odds are the ones that should be hearing the message refuse to open their ears and really listen. I wish I would have had someone to be there for me when I needed them but they weren't. At times it even felt like some of the adults were in on it to. 

If I could help someone who is being bullied I would first like to say they are allot stronger then they think. Become stubborn like me. No violence though please. The people that are making your life miserable will in the long run have to answer to karma eventually. It may take longer then you would like but they will in some form or another feel exactly what they dished out to others.

So stay strong and don't be afraid to block them on the internet or just stay away from it all together. Social media, worst thing out there, especially when your young. 

Well that's my ponder for now. I would love to hear others stories on how they dealt with bullies or are dealing with them. Even as an adult it never really stops.

Till next time,
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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