Weekend Brain Overdrive
You ever have one of those mornings, especially on a weekend morning when you don't have to get up early to start your day, when your brain wakes you up with a bunch of different things running through your head?
That was my morning right now. 
During the week when I work I get up at 4:10 am. The weekends are suppose to be a time when I can at least sleep until 6 am maybe, right? Not this morning.
I suppose your wondering what kind of things are running through my head? Well they are very random things. Ranging from things in the news to running lines through my head from the play I'm involved in. ( The Foreigner. I'm Betty Meeks) to things I've got to do around the house. That kind of stuff. And while I'm trying to get my brain to settle down, the birds outside are already singing up a storm. Maybe because it's not raining, finally. Then after awhile my bladder starts to tell me it's time to get up, now. So after about almost an hour of trying to relax again and drop off to sleep I give up and get up.
So here I am. Now what.
How about the news thing that were running through my head. Where to start......How about the George Zimmerman trial. I know that's what some of the news channels will be obsessing over till it's done and beyond. Especially if they can help other people over react to the verdict and then wonder how that happened . News channels I usually try to avoid as much as possible because it gets old real quick hearing the same thing over and over and over again.. I like to move on with my life and not worry about something that can't be changed. If you are wondering what my thoughts are about what happened here it is. My theory about what happened... George was doing his watch thing trying his best to protect his neighborhood when he sees this person walking down the street, looking in his eyes, like someone who was up to no good. He called it in and was told to not approach this person and wait till someone could come and check this person out all official like. But he could not wait and felt like he had to take things into his own hands. He could have envisioned himself as a hero who stopped a bad thing from happening. So he started following this person and tried to question them about what they were doing in that neighborhood. The guy didn't respond to him. So he kept at it, bugging the guy till he finally turned around and reacted in away allot of people do when they are being hounded by someone real annoying that is dogging their every step. Some people do have violent reactions others not so much. Me, I'm not sure how I would react. But I can understand why Trayvon reacted the way he did. So I don't think I would make a good person for this trial.I will not be going out of my way to follow this dog and pony show put on by the media I've got better things to focus on like, my lines...
My goodness Frog...the places you been. The people you seen. Jest takes m'breath away.
That kind of stuff anyway.
So now that I have those things kind of out of my head for now, I think I'll enjoy this nice sunny morning.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.