Pondering weather
Mother nature has really been doing a number on us lately. Anything and everything has been happening in big ways. Tornadoes in the middle of this country. Flooding in Texas. We had frost the other day. Compared to last year that is a big change. Last year at this time I was able to wear shorts and tee shirts and still be hot. This year I'm still wearing long sleeve shirts and pants. Plus right now it's 43 degrees outside. We will be lucky to see 65, maybe. I could be wrong. People want to say it's global warming, I say it's a natural thing the planet does all by itself. Plus we should be keeping track of earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. They can effect the weather more then people do. Not to say some of the things we are doing are not affecting a little bit. But not enough to cause the drastic change we are seeing now. Here's a ponder for you; Say the earth is at the end a cycle and changing into the next one. It has ...