
Showing posts from May, 2013

Pondering weather

Mother nature has really been doing a number on us lately. Anything and everything has been  happening in big ways.    Tornadoes in the middle of this country.    Flooding in Texas. We had frost the other day. Compared to last year that is a big change. Last year at this time I was able to wear shorts and tee shirts and still be hot. This year I'm still wearing long sleeve shirts and pants. Plus right now it's 43 degrees outside. We will be lucky to see 65, maybe. I could be wrong.  People want to say it's global warming, I say it's a natural thing the planet does all by itself. Plus we should be keeping track of earthquakes and erupting volcanoes. They can effect the weather more then people do. Not to say some of the things we are doing are not affecting a little bit. But not enough to cause the drastic change we are seeing now.  Here's a ponder for you; Say the earth is at the end a cycle and changing into the next one. It has ...

Scrapbook from the past

   This is an old scrapbook that someone put together. Most of the news paper pictures and other things are from about 1936. I think from time to time I'll try to post something from it. Things are glued in this book on both sides and the book is bigger then my scanner.A couple of things were not glued in so they will be easier to scan and post. Allot of the pictures are from the winter of 1936. It you want to see allot of snow, boy did they have it back that year.  This time I'm going to post a poem from this book.    It maybe hard to read so this is what it says. The Rubberneck (Sent in by an Ogema reader) There was a rubberneck, once on a time, That was always eternally on the line. No matter if she was snug in her bed- she'd have to hear what the neighbor said. So out of her warm nest she'd spring, Whenever she'd hear that phone ring. A breath of scandal, by the way loses none of it's flavor, so they say When over the wire it h...

Project number six complete

  This is my latest project that I finished this weekend. It was a very simple one to do. Right now it's in my living room.  Now onto number seven.  Six down only 95 more to go. Till next time.

Cleveland kidnappings

   This week of coarse we all heard something about the three women who have been missing for 10 years and were finally found. All being held by one man in what I can assume was a house of horrors for those 10 years. It is very hard to even begin to imagine what they went through. My heart goes out to them and their families. They have a very long road ahead of them to begin to feel like a human being again. I just hope the media will respect their wishes to leave them alone. So to the media I'll just say follow the rule of when they are ready they will come to you. Do not pressure them with money to come to you first so you can be the first to talk to them, just to have the bragging rights.  As for the thing that did this to them, ( I refuse to call him a human being) he needs to be sent to that isolated Island and let mother nature teach him a lesson that he will never forget. I've added one thing that this Island would have. A very unstable volcano along with d...

Project 5 is complete

This is my latest project. It's a cover for an extra roll of toilet paper. Right now it has no home. So I guess I'll just save it for a later time. As for other things I've been up to or thinking of well let's see. Right now I'm tired. Mostly because of work. The other day I had a power walking day for at least most of the day. So my legs are very tired from that. But I think I'll get to do it again tomorrow. Yeah...... Plus than thanks to my dog I've also been taking walks. The walks are good but my legs are usually feeling very heavy from walking all day at work. My brain is just to tired to think to much right now. Hopefully this weekend I'll have my brain working better for a better post. So till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.