
Showing posts from August, 2012

Animal Foot notes

Well I thought I would introduce you to all of the critters that share my life. You've already met these three, Moe, Larry and Curly. This is my horse, Beauty coming to say hello. These are a few of my chickens. You know how hard it is to get them all to stand still long enough to get a good picture. I have a total of 7. Need any eggs? Kidding. I do get up five a day. . Our turkeys. I think there are two toms and two hens. I've named them Lucy, Ricky, Fred and Ethel. Lucy is the white one. Boy, does she like to talk. This is my outside cat Fluff. He not a holding kind of cat but he is a good mouser. This is Minnie, my inside cat. The husband like to call her Tubby because she is a big kitty. This is Fawn. Or my shadow when I'm at home. I can't go any where without her following me. Last week Thursday we had two more additions. For now I'm calling this one Maynard. This one is Gilligan. He can be full of energy. Now I thought the husband ...

They must injoy the taste of their foot.

   Politicians must really enjoy the taste of their feet. The comments that have been coming out of their mouths are the dumbest things they could say.    To make a comment like this is just proving how narrow minded they are and that there is an extreme agenda behind some of these politicians that scares me. I'm not  a real political person,  but the things I hear coming out of these so called representatives of people like me, makes me wonder what makes them think they are going to tell me what I can or can not choose to do with my body. A body I have to live in, not them. As I've said before, it does not matter who gets into office. People like me will pay the biggest price for their decisions. Some times I feel like:     an indentured servant. Think about it. You are encouraged to go into debt as soon as possible. This makes you an indentured servant. You never really are free. Is this the kind of life we really strive t...

Toxic Avenger

  I really don't have any footnotes about my life except I did happen to find this really bad B movie called TOXIC AVENGER . It's so bad you almost have to watch it. Then I found out they made a total of four. Plus a cartoon series, plus even a musical. I even found the third one the other night. Bad over acting, bad special effects. Just bad all the way around. But I could see how it could become a cult classic. They were made in the 80's. So if you want a watch a movie that you can't believe they made, watch one of them. As for things I was pondering this week,I could say something about  politics. I'm tired of all their stupid ads. If they don't knock if off( which I know they won't, they never do) I'll get out my Nerf gun and start shooting the TV again. Just like I use to when a Bush was president. Someone asked me what all the circle were on the TV. So I told them. "Bush was getting on my last nerve." Right now the one who is getting ...

Visiting War Memorials

Yesterday the husband and I went on a little ride. What he wanted to do was to go and check out the crops south of here a ways. But some how when we got as far as Neillsville I suggested maybe finding the High Ground. It's a Memorial site dedicated to all those from Wisconsin who served in the military in wars starting with WWI. The first one is the High Ground bell. It's a replica of the liberty Bell. This is written on the beam on the front or the shelter. Memorial to WWI vets. There is an audio you can listen to while you take the walk around but the husband and I didn't do it.It's about 20 minutes long. We could have, but we didn't. So compared to those who were, we ended up walking the opposite way around. But any way here are some more images. The World War II Memorial. Women Air force Service Pilots of WWII. Those that were left behind. Koran War Memorial. Around the base of this one is the dates of when it started and the end da...

Birds and Calves

 This is a picture of the morning doves from yesterdays footnote. I guess in this one you can see them pretty good. I also forgot another footnote to mention yesterday. It seems I can't leave the husband alone because when I got home from work on Thursday we had three new additions to our home. Three calves.                                             This one for now will be known as Curly.                                             I think this one will be known as Larry.                                          And this one will be known as Moe. So l...

Fine toning Ponder Pages

    I decided it was time to do a little bit of a tone up on Ponder Pages. So if you have visited before you will notice, if not you will see little changes every time you do visit. So what kind of changes am I going to do? Well, for one the background so far. I've also taken down the picture of Jean Viken which is a cold case that no one seams to want to solve. I might put it up again some other time but for now I'll be trying out other ideas to put on here. I've decided to include little footnotes that happen in my humdrum life just to show how boring my normal everyday life is and how small things do add a little something to it from time to time. Here is an example of footnotes you might see from time to time. This week a few things did happen to give me something to tell people at work. Like footnote number 1: On Wednesday night I was going to take my dog Fawn for a walk when I noticed two black dogs sniffing around at the end of our driveway. The husband h...