Secret Service

Now who is really surprised about this scandal?
Not me. They were bound to get caught by the media eventually.
But I think the media already knew about it a long, long, long time ago.
This is just another distraction from something even bigger that is going down somewhere.

When I think about the secret service and I see very arrogant people who feel they are untouchable. That's why they do the things they do. People who make good secret service people are more then likely bullies anyway.
They are very intimidating people. Which they should be. To protect who they have to protect they've got to be able to throw their weight around.
But they are only human anyway. They have urges, just like any other red blooded person on this little planet.
I'm not defending them in any way shape or form. I'm just saying their arrogance got the best of them. So maybe they should all be busted down to, lets see what's a good job for someone who is too full of themselves.......How about a fast food worker or a janitor at a fast food place or someone who shovels animal poop all day. That should humble them a bit, don't ya think. Oh, and they have to wear their suits that say Secret Service Stooge.

Well that's my ponder for the day.
Till next time,
keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.       


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