Midnight or 12am?

Midnight or 12am?
Which one sounds better to you?
When all that Black Friday advertising was going on (and driving me up the wall,especially the one from Target with the Lady dressed in red) I was asking people which sounded more attractive to them, Midnight or 12am.
Everyone said it's the same. Especially my oldest one.
I just said I know it's the same, but which one sounds more attractive to you.
It was a draw. 
Some said midnight because it sounded like the middle of the night.
  Others said 12 am sounded like the beginning of the day.
So I guess when it comes to attracting people out at 12 am or midnight it all depends on the person and which sounds better to them.
As for me I sleep through both of them. You are not getting me out of bed to buy something. There is nothing in this world I need that badly that I would do any of that kind of madness.
It's just another thing telling us that we are no one unless we buy, buy, buy. Spending money in the wrong ways will only tie us to them all that much longer.
This time of year has become the debt raising season. You really have to ask yourself, is it or was it really worth it? 

Well that's about it for today.
As of today I have been married to the same guy for 29 years. Who'd I thunk it.
Till next time keep on Pondering the pondering possibilities.


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