Baggy Pants

I know this a fashion statement that's been around for awhile. Recently where I work we had a temp person who wore his pants like this. I was surprised no one said anything to him about it not being safe to wear pants like that here. Anyway I was noticing the way he was standing in a very wide stance to help hold up his pants because his hands were very busy doing the job. It got me to thinking if that is a normal way to stand for people who wear these kind of very baggy low riding pants. If so what will these people look like as they get older and this trend is no longer seen.
Will this generation will look like this before their time?

People might ask if you've been riding a horse for days.Chances are you've never even touched one.
Or maybe people will look at you as if you've got your pants full. You know like a little two year old that just filled them and does not like the gooey feeling.
Just think of the medical problems that it could cause. Back problems, hip problems, feet problems. The pain of it all. Oh well just another reason to take drugs, legally.
Or maybe we've just hit the top of our evolution and now we are going to start to go backwards.
Anything is possible, right?

Well that's my ponder for the week.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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