Something to Ponder

There are allot of things to ponder today from this past week.
The first thing I will mention is the weather here. Here it is almost the end of March and we get a snow storm. The snow was starting to melt before that.There were large places where the ground was showing. Last weekend we saw robins, red wing black birds and even a crane. They are usually signs spring is here. But Wednesday we got about a foot of snow. I and everyone else around here have had enough of winter. Now I have to wait even longer to do things outside. The really bad side effect of all this snow will be more flooding, especially to places south of here. So I'll warn you now. Lookout it will be there in a few weeks, the water I mean.

Now to other happening this week.
The passing of Elizabeth Taylor.
She made big impacts in allot of different  areas. The entertainment world and also her personal life always seamed to be making headlines. She was also a big spokes person for Aids. Which brings me to something I heard after she died. You know that very misguided family that likes to picket funerals of military people? Well they had plans to picket hers because of her involvement with Aids. Fortunately they didn't get the chance. I'm glad her family kept it very private. It's the way it should be.She may have been a very public person but she at least was given the chance to pass away in peace.

Another piece of news is Libya.
I guess this picture sums up what the people of Libya want. But it will be hard because, he who must not be named( I will not say his name as I am channeling Harry Potter at this time and I like the fact they do not say the evil mans name for in my opinion it's not worth saying.), he for some reason will not leave. He said he would rather be a martyr. A martyr for what? Dilutions, greed, false truths, stupidity, what? I don't get what he would martyr himself for. A leader is suppose to lead and represent their people. Make sure the people are protected and provided for. Make sure they are happy and healthy. Listen to the people.  Not kill them because they are tired of being controlled and forced to live in poverty while you try to live as a god in your own mind.
All I can say is look at history. All over controlling leaders fall sooner or later. Most of the time by their own people, I think.(  Reminder to self, must read more history).

How about Japan? What does the future of Japan hold for the Japanese?
It does not look good for them at all. What will happen to the country if there is a total melt down there? Where will all of those people go? Lets face it allot of land there will not be any good for many, many, many years, decades or even longer then that. They can try to pull the wool over peoples eyes but that will only work for a short time. The danger is a whole lots more worse then people are being told. Man make disasters are far worse then anything mother nature can throw at us. And this is the worst kind.

Myanmar earthquake. Not hearing to much about this one. But is was a 7.0. There are some dead. Right now I'm not sure how many.
How many more earthquakes have to happen before we as human really start to take the warning signs more seriously? Call it what ever you want that is happening ,the end of times, apocalypse, whatever. It's happening now. The earth is going through one of it's big changes and there is nothing we can do about it.
I wonder if this is a natural cycle that happens? Wouldn't it be interesting if it is. Wouldn't it be interesting it we, as humans, have been through this before? Wouldn't it be weird that we, as humans, always get to a certain point when the big change happens and we are force to start all over again? Each time we get to a different level of technology when it happens.
It's something to think about.
Well that is all I have to ponder about this time.
Till next time, keep on pondering.
Ya all come back now, ya hear.


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