Pondering Zahra Baker

I have been thinking about Zahra Baker and how her short life came to such a tragic end. This poor girl had been through hell and didn't come back again. Why?
The father and step mother caused her death in some way or another. Why did they treat her so badly? If they didn't want her why didn't they just send her to her biological mother?
These kind of situations that seam to be happening more and more make me so mad.
An innocent child who just wanted to be loved was only made to feel worthless by the people who were suppose to make her feel safe.
The only thing is now she is at peace. It's just so sad that she could not have had that while she was here.
As for the father and step mother, you will get exactly what you ask for when you did what you did to Zahra.
Karma is a powerful thing to deal with when you harm someone else.
I wish in a way I could have meet Zahra I think she would have been an amazing girl. To go through all the other things she went through plus dealing with the worthlessness she felt at home. She could have become an amazing young woman if she had been given the chance.
So many what if's.
A little too little too late for Zahra. But maybe not for someone else. Look around you there is someone else who could really use a guardian angle before it's too late.


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