Pondering Respect; Does it exist anymore?

This past week this question has been on my mind. With all the things that have been happening lately I decided to ask people at work or that I met how they would answer three questions about respect. I was just curious to see what kind of answers I would get. Most of the answers did not surprise me.
So here are the questions and summery of the answers.

Number 1: Does respect exist anymore?

The majority said little or not as much as it use too.
Some same in some places it does. It all depends where.
Few said not at all.
I agree with not as much as it use too. We have become a society where people only think about themselves.

Number 2: Who or what do you respect the most?

The majority of the people said parents.
Someone said her daughter.
A few said their elders.
A few said the constitution.
A couple said no one.
One person said an old gym teacher. Because he help him with an important medical issue.
I will say I respect my parents.
I guess your parents should be at the top of the list. If it were not for them you would not be here.

Number 3: Who or what do you feel disrespects you the most?

Since I was asking this to mostly people at work most replied co-workers, the job or superiors.
The next most frequent answer was people who treat others badly, disrespected others or lie.
A few said a significant other.
A few said a sibling.
A couple said the government.
A couple said in-laws.
A few said young people.
One said the ex.
Another said medical people. Because they always feel they are being talked down to by them.
One said telemarketers.
One said his dog.
I guess my answer would be in-laws. They give me the most negative energy at this time in my life. At least that's the way I try to judge disrespect most of the time.Well, some of the time.

I know some answers were kind incomplete but I just wanted to get simple answers. If they wanted to give me a why I listened.
I would like to thank all the people who answered my questions.
I did not ask any kids these questions. Not because I didn't want to but because I did not have the chance too. But if I ever get the chance to I would like to ask these questions to a class. One from high school, one from middle school and one from elementary. I would be interesting to compare answers.


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