Pondering Bullying
With all the things being reported about bullying I thought I would try and find a few definitions of what a bully is.

It is so sad to hear of someone who has ended their life because someone has decided to humiliate them just for their own entertainment. I know they will say that they didn't mean no harm. They never thought it would lead to this.
That's the problem. No one knows how the think or respect anyone any more. I can't imagine what it is like to be a kid now a days.
It was bad enough when I was a kid. Most days dreading going to school not sure what was going to happen. At least at home you felt a little safer.
But know in the internet and cell phone age that feeling of being a little bit safer is gone. Bullies can now hide behind the these things. They can start a campaign to hurt someone because they felt like they were wronged by this person or this person did something to make them look in a worse light. Or the person might be gay. The bully can get others to do their dirty work for them.
Unfortunately bullying will always be an issue. It has been an issue since the beginning of time.
I think it is long past time to find better ways to stop it before it begins.
I have a saying I told my kids when they were little. It goes like this:
To get respect you must give respect.
But first you have to have self respect.
Once you have self respect, you have self control.
I think I might have post this saying before but I think it's something more people should try to do.
I wish I could tell you how to start but I'm sure it would be different for each person.
To change things around you ,you must start with yourself.
Plus I'm a firm believer of karma.
Positive energy will in time result in positive results.
Have patients, good things comes to those who wait.
I'm still waiting to win the lottery.
I have one update about the chicken issue that was such a big issue here.
It will cost $15 a year to have 4 chickens in town. A little pricey but at least you can have fresh eggs almost all year round.