Old Pictures
When my family and I were going through the old pictures and letters a couple of weeks ago I took a couple of the pictures. The one of the woman is my Grandmother when she was young in the 20's, I think. The one above, I'm not sure what it is. I think it might be Swedish written below but I'm not sure. I could be Finnish.I don't know who any of the people are or where it was taken but I just wanted to share. I plan on getting as many of the old pictures I can and hopefully posting them here from time to time. Most of them I have no idea who they are. My Dad knows a few but not all. It's always interesting seeing these kind of things from the past. Reading those old letters I'm learning things about my grandpa that I never knew. I just wish my aunt, when my grandma died, would not have put the letters from my grandma to grandpa before they were married, in her casket when she died. We will never know what was on them.