Ramdom thoughts through the day

 I just feel like rambling about all kinds of things today.These are some of the things that ran through my head today.

October 1st. Where did the time go? Where did the summer go? As far as I can tell we had no summer here. It's already gotten so cool that we have gotten the wood stove going. More then likely is not that early for us to do it but I just feel like this year has just flown by. I guess the older you get the faster time flies. At this pace in another ten years it should feel like I just got out of bed by the time it's time to get back in.

You know there are allot more earthquakes going on in the same area.  My heart goes out to all those who live in those areas. There could be more shaking going on here in the states or really anywhere. There also is allot more flooding going on all over the world. The earth is going through a change. In my opinion, people of the world should be getting ready for all the things that mother nature is going to throw at them instead of fighting with each other. Blowing up each other will not solve anything. Knowing how to live without fighting with others over dumb things, just might get the human race through the things that are to come.    

An imaginary response to something that someone says that is dumb. Not to say that this happened but it just popped into my head today.
"That kind of thing reminds me of someone who is off their rocker."
"Are you saying I'm off my rocker?"
"No, I'm not saying YOU are off your rocker. I just said that it reminds me of someone who IS off their rocker."
I know dumb.

You know I should take more random notes during the day so I can remember some of the things that bounce through my head all day while I'm working.

Thought of the day:
"Find and hold a happy thought to go to sleep with."


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