The Calves and the Return of the Turkeys
As I promised here are pictures of our new calves. They look a little hairy right now because they still have their winter hair.
This is Norman
This is Norbert.
Now with the snow gone the turkeys are coming around again. These are four hens checking out things underneath the bird feeder. I hope that some day after their babies hatch out that they will bring them around so that I can record their growth and post for all to see.
I also hope that I can catch a tom turkey in full strut.
After scratching around the feeder they started out across the field. They usually have a daily loop they make. I'm hoping they will have nightly route during the week so I can watch them. The fun part is making sure Fawn does not see them or she will go postal in the house.
This is Norman
I also hope that I can catch a tom turkey in full strut.
After scratching around the feeder they started out across the field. They usually have a daily loop they make. I'm hoping they will have nightly route during the week so I can watch them. The fun part is making sure Fawn does not see them or she will go postal in the house.