Another Quiet Sunday

It's another quiet Sunday morning for me with the exception that Minni Me was growling at I think Cletus. She is now sitting quietly or was next to me on another chair. She just left me to wonder.
I was trying to think about what to write today. Everything in my household is quiet and uneventful. No one is sick. No one is in trouble for anything.
Can't really do anything outside right now because it is finally warming up and the snow has been melting making everything a sloppy mess. Today it could get close to, if not above 50 today and maybe tomorrow too.

Other people around me are doing interesting things. Like a neighbor to the north of me, who live in a trailer house, just bought a 60 inch TV. I'm just wondering how do you watch a TV that big in such a confined space. I think that has redneck written all over it.
I told the husband that is one thing I do not want in my house, at least not that big. The biggest one I might get someday will be maybe between 32 and 42, maybe.

I've also been told that I might be a great aunt, again. A nephew, who already has two children he does not spend time with might have another girl pregnant. He has no job. But I'm told is always smoking pot and might even be dealing. He wanted to or did get a new sofa and chair from a store that says you don't have to pay till next year. If he did I would like to know why the store didn't check out his credit, he has none. I don't think he plans on making a payment, just using it as long as he can.
People like him just make me so mad. He is a user and a taker. Never giving anything back. It was the way he was raised. His parents take from who ever they can and never give anything back until forced legally. They have taken so much from their own families and never given anything back. They keep trying to get more from their own parents by trying to get pity for they situation they are in. They have dug a hole so deep for themselves they will never get out of it. I for one do not pity people like that. I was taught that if I get myself into a mess like that I have to get myself out. My parents will be there for me emotionally, but financially I am on my own.
I've learned to live within my means. At least I try. The husband sometimes has gotten into situations I've not been happy with. I let him know when things have gotten to far out of hand.

Things that have caught my attention from the world.

The economy. What can I say that has not already been said. Obama is doing the best he can to find different ways to solve things. But when you have to fight the Old Boys Club it going to be a very hard battle.

Greed. I think it's finally hit it's peek or least worked it's way out into the open where others are now seeing overly rich people, who have been stealing from them for years, for what they really are. Con artists.

One local thing that has been going on around here is that someone wants to build a 4000 head dairy farm in the township of Little Black. I'm hoping it does not happen. It would be one the worst things that was allowed to happen. That many cows in such a small area is an open invitation to more disease among the cows not to mention what it will do to the environment and the strain it will put on the water supplies. Small family farms are allot better for everyone, the land and the cows involved. I would rather know that the cows have the freedom to be outside and enjoying the land the way they should. And not always kept in a building limiting their freedom. That is what makes for a happy cow.


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