
Showing posts from January, 2009

Excuses and Pondering Newsy Things

I meant to post something sooner but......Here come the excuses: For Christmas I was given a Wii, and we have a gotten a few things to play on it that I've been spending time doing. Like Mario Party 8. The husband likes to challenge me on the weekends. I also got Animal Crossing with the Wii Speak. Now I can play with the youngest one who lives in Mosinee and can't get home very often. Plus last weekend I got a Wii Fit. I've been trying to do things on that. I'm trying to get myself in some kind of routine so I can do a little bit of everything maybe once a day and still do my housework and work too. You know there never seams to be enough hours in the day to do everything. Or sometimes energy. An other excuse is I made this cake over the weekend that was very sweet, too sweet even for the husband. I had one piece after I made it and thought I was good but if I was the only one who was going to eat it I would be eating at least a piece everyday. It's not the kind o...

Thrill Killings

If you are from Wisconsin you more then likely heard about these. The first thrill killing involved 6 deer and three guys in their twenties riding snowmobiles. They apparently chased, ran over and dragged five deer in a field. One was still alive and tied to a tree but had to be put down because it had broken legs. They put out a ten thousands dollar reward for any information on who did this. Apparently a girlfriend of one turned them in. After they were caught one of them he said there was a sixth one he had taken home to butcher. Believe it or not they were not drunk when they did this. The second incident involved someone on a snowmobile on a river who ran over ducks. This person made two runs up and down a river running over 50 ducks. I have not heard if he was drunk or what his reasoning for doing it but he turned himself in later. I'm not sure how old he was. Why? It makes no sense. The husband thinks that the ones that killed the deer should never be allowed to have a snowm...

The Moon

I'm have a hell of time today posting but I'm going to give it another try. I have been enjoying the moon for the past few days. They say this is the closest the moon is to earth for this year. It's been so bright that you don't need a light to see your way around outside. A number of years ago we were driving south on the road that is just to the east of us when the husband suddenly said, "Wow! You have got to see this." Now him forever looking for deer while we are driving, I thought he saw a huge buck standing in the road we had just past. When we backed up I saw it was the moon. There were trees on either side of this road with the moon lined up in such away that it made it look many times larger then it should have been. Almost like you could drive into it, which we tried just for fun. To this day I wish I had a camera with me or that I could see it again. It really makes you understand how small we really are.

Fawn and the Skateboard

This is what happens when Fawn and a skateboard get together. No sure what she has against skateboards but it's always fun to watch.

Happy New Years to all

Welcome to 2009!! I would like to say that I hope everyone has a better year then the last but unfortunately it will a year where everyone will have to start learning to live allot differently then they are use to. Different could be better. Learning to live or doing things in ways that you have never done before. It could be the kind of year that is an adventure for all. But it will also make it allot scarier, not knowing what is around the next corner. Do you make new years resolutions? I think about it, but I've decided to make life resolutions. Life resolutions are not things you say you are going to do at the beginning of a new year and only stick to for a maybe a few weeks or couple of months tops, but things you plan on working on for the rest of your life. These things can be done at any time. If you follow the moon cycles you do things according to that. Sometimes it works sometimes it does not. If it does not that means it's not time for that kind of change. Th...