Sunday Morning Thoughts
I want to say it's a quiet Sunday morning, but if that's the case I would still be in bed at5:30 right? I either want to blame it on the regular habit of getting up at 4:10am during the week or maybe it's the fact that at around 5am the husband starts sounding like a buzz saw for some reason. Maybe his body is so use to me getting up at 4am that it's just part of his bodies habit to start snoring at that time. Who knows. I'm up now what?
I could talk about the debate last week which I did watch. I watched it on a station called Current TV. It's a very interesting place to view this kind of thing. They had it set up so that people could sign on through Twitter and leave comments about what was going on. I got a bigger kick out of those comments then I did actually listening to all the details the candidates were saying. The way I see it I think there were more people in favor of Obama then McCain.
I will say I am an Obama supporter. It is time for the old boys club to step aside and let the next generation maybe try to do something different. It's going to be the biggest uphill battle because of the mess that everything is in.
This weekend was a t-zone hunt for deer. The husband got a deer the first day. During a t-zone hunt you can only shoot does. So last night we had fresh venison for supper. I've had more venison over the years then I've had beef. Maybe I should say or someone should say it's the organic meat. Better for you. All natural, the way nature made it. But then again it will tick PETA off. All I'll say is go to your Island where I would put you until you get the stupid out of your head.
The weather here is cooling down. Most of the leaves are off the trees. Yesterday morning the ground was white with frost. So you know winter is just around the corner.
I can remember when I was young Trick or Treating in a snow storm. We were all bundled up with our snow suites on and with our costumes on over them. Scarves wrapped around our faces to protect us from the wind. Walking up to peoples houses and mumbling through our scarves Trick or Treat! This was done in the dark back then before people decided to scare others about tales of candy tampering. We knew all of our neighbors and who would be home and who wouldn't.
I do remember that after we got home that night that one of the neighbor boys was running up and down the street in a sheet. It was kind of funny looking down our long driveway and seeing him running by the street light with the sheet flapping around him.
That's the way it is around here for Halloween. One year it will so cold you can't stand it for long, the next it's so warm you can almost be running around in shorts. This year I think just might be a cold one. So be prepared to be bundled.
It's really bin kind of boring around here for me lately, not to say I need something big to happen. This last week the husband had the flu. Actually it started the week before. He had a fever that would go up and down. Up almost as high as 103 and then down to almost normal. But by Tuesday it was almost done. He did come home from work that night because his back was really achy. He surprised me when he showed up. I was in bed watching a little news when suddenly the bedroom door opened. I did here a noise in the kitchen but I thought it was one of the cats doing something. The fever finally broke for good and he was able to start eating more and do I dare say got a little grabby.
One more thing that tells me winter is coming, is the fact that the geese are flying south. You walk outside and you always hear geese honking somewhere. When the husband shot the deer there was a large flock in a corn field, they suddenly took off making a whole lot more noise then he ever imagined. Almost deafening. To me there seams to be allot more geese heading south over our place than I can remember. And the flocks are allot bigger.
Laying bed last night I had a thought, I know that's a dangerous thing for me to admit to, but I can't tell you yet what it is. It might be something I just might add to this blog. I have a lot of details to think about and work out. I'll let you know when I decide to do it, if I decide to do it you will know.
Thought of the day:
"When in two minds, look for a third option."