Pondering Monday and Desert

What should I ponder about today. I could ponder about the up coming election but enough people are putting their pondering ideas into that. If you want my opinion it's going to be what it's going to be. Not every person will be happy about it. Shocker right. There are some people who are not happy unless they are making a fuss about everything. I think they are thinking something like, "I don't agree with anything no matter what. I must be miserable at all cost. And make everyone around me even more miserable."
I'm really not into politics.

I'm pondering on making a desert with Jello and different fruit in it. One is blackberries. It calls for a cup. I wanted some fresh ones and lucky for me there was some growing at the end of my driveway. I wasn't sure if there would be enough because it's been a bad growing year for a number of plants. But I have my cup of blackberries.
The name of the desert is Over the Rainbow. It has four flavors of gelatin: raspberry, orange, lime and blackberry. Each layer has a different thing added. Like raspberries, an orange, lemon yogurt and blackberries. Sparkling cider is also added to three of the layers. It sounds like it will taste really good. The hard part will be the time it will take to make it. It might take a couple of days to make. But I plan on taking it to the family cabin for my parents end of the summer party they have on Labor Day weekend. I'll keep you all posted if anyone is reading anything I've written and if anyone would like I will post the recipe if asked for.

Thought of the day:
"Be generous with your smiles, after all they're free."


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