Pondering Freedom
I know the few of you who have followed me were beginning to wonder what happened to me. I've just not been in the mood to do much posting. Not to say I haven't had anything to say, I have. I've just not put it here. But I do think it's time to start up again.
For being a country that say it's the home of the free, it's not a very free one.
I thought that there was suppose to be a separation between church and state.
I thought peoples bodies were their own.
But I guess that maybe I should stop thinking and just obey.
Last night before I tried to drop off to sleep my mind did it's best to stop that from happening. The recent ruling from the supreme court really ticked me off.
How did we get here? How did we let those kind of people tell us what we can and can't do with our own body?
Maybe we should also ban that little blue pill to even it out. If women can't control what happen with their body it should be the same for men.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?
Who do you blame for this mess? I know who I blame. Do you want to know? Well if you don't, leave right now.
Okay, I put a lot of the blame on the republican party.
Over the years the republican party has become a party of narrow minded, extreme twisted religious idiots and all around bullies, with the help of the last president, The Dweeb. They think all of their dreams are coming true.
The only thing they are doing is further pulling this country apart.
Right now I think this country will never be able to pull itself out of the direction we are going faster and faster.
The only way to maybe try and change the direction is find away to truly give the power back to the people. How do you ask? Maybe find away for all people to decide what is best for them and not leave it up to a few twisted manipulative bullies to make decisions for us.
If we do not nip this in the bud now we will be a country of no freedoms like North Korea or Afghanistan or Russia.
I saw a U-tube video with a young woman who said that this is happening because they are driven by power and hate.
One of the justices is suggesting there could be more such ruling involving things like maybe gay rights or who knows what else this court has up their sleeves. Maybe we should get rid of this court. They are starting to be nothing but trouble to the freedoms of this country. Or maybe they are tired of the job and are trying to find ways to get out of it without quitting.
Well, I could go on and on but for now I will stop.
I will try and find the energy and time to post here from time to time more often.
So till then.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.