Living in the time of Stupid
I know it's been a while since I've written anything. I just didn't know what I could add to things that wasn't already being said.
The question that is often on my mind is: How did we get here?
Then I realized it's because we are living in the time of Stupid.
I like to say, imagine life is a bus. Standing on the side of the road is Common Sense. The bus is being driven very fast by Stupid. Stupid will not stop the bus and let Common Sense on because if he does then Common Sense will take over and the bus will slow down.
Stupid is not about to give up the controls.
Others who are on the bus right now are lazy, con men, egomaniacs, whinners, greed, manipulators, the very selfish, and that's just the ones in the front of the bus.
Stupid driving the bus didn't just happen all of a sudden. There was a time when Common Sense was driving some of the time. They would take turns. But then there came a time when Stupid found a way to get Common Sense off the bus completely.
So I ask, Is there anyway that we can find for Common Sense to get back on the bus and maybe at least drive for a little while, before Stupid crashes the bus and there is no fixing it?
In the mean time they are playing the blame game on the bus. It's not their fault that nothing is getting done. They pass the blame around on the bus and laugh about it when the next one gets it.
Another one standing on the side of the road with Common Sense is Responsibility. They are very good friends.
I for one am looking forward to the time when Stupid runs out of gas and Common Sense along with Responsibility will be ready with some new fuel to get things going in the right direction.
Well that's all I have to say today.
Till next time remember to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.