Culling by Nature
Culling: Something esp. something inferior or worthless, culled out.(From a Webster Secondary School Dictionary Copyright 1913)

cull: something picked out as substandard e.g. an old weak animal taken from a flock.( (From The New Lexicon Webster's Dictionary of the English Language 1989 Edition)
Is this what is happening to the human race?
Was it started by Nature or by man?
Will we ever be told the truth?
Nature from time to time does cull other species when there are to many. Gets rid of the weaker ones so the strong will survive. We, the humans of this world, are no different then any other species. There are to many of us for this world to support. So when this happens Nature takes control, either her original plan or something a human started in a lab. It's in her control now.
Eventually we will find the way to control what is happening to us, but not until Nature has cut our numbers down to a more healthier number for this little planet to handle.
Unfortunately, it is not an easy thing to except for us.
This is not a good time.
Dealing with this out of control virus is one thing but also dealing with bad leaderships. Not just in the US but everywhere in the world.
I think Nostradamus had the time wrong for the end of things as we know it. Or it was interpreted wrong.
2020 is the year everything is going wrong. I don't think I have to name them all. You know what they are.
All right, I'll name as many as I can.
Political problems.
(This is what brought the Roman Empire down)
People trying to separate groups. Pit them against each other.
Promotion of hate.
Fearing each other.
Living your life with a face mask.
These are only a few of the issues that we have to deal with from day to day. Just these few things alone make life very exhausting.
I wish I could help people find a way out of this but I can't.
But I do know we have to come together and support each other as best as we can. Stop thinking in terms of "Us against Them".
Whatever is happening, the 'Blame Game' will only put more division between us. Or maybe that is someones plan to take over everything. To force us to live one way. All I can say to that is; "Look at what happened to the Roman Empire." One World Nation will not work without destroying over half of everything.
Well that's all for now.
Just remember to keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.