Pondering School threats and Impeachment
I know it's been awhile since I posted last but to tell the truth I have not felt like sitting down at the computer and writing. Not to say I don't have much to say. I have been busy with other things. Like we got a new vehicle for me. OK, not new, but newer then what I had, by a year. A Chevy Traverse. The first time I sat in it it felt like it was already mine. Now the husband says I won't have to wake him up an very snowy days and take me to work. I now have an all wheel drive so I can take myself.
That's the biggest thing going on in my life. Except the fact I'm still waiting for my new fridge. Mine died. All I have is a small dorm size one right now. On Black Friday when we ordered it they said it should be hear on the 15th. That date past and the husband called them to find out what was going on. They said it would not be there until after Jan. 1st. So I am not happy about that. You can't fit much in that small fridge. I can't even make a bigger meal because I have no room for leftovers. Not much holiday cooking for me.
Those are the two biggest thing going on in my life right now.
This past week there have been a number of school threats. Some of them occurring in Marshfield. A town about 30 some miles south of here. One supposed one happened at the collage campus. I heard a little about it on the news when it was happening but did not listen to all the details. A gentleman I work with told me more about it. It involved his brother-in-law.
Here is how he said it went down.
The man who lives in Marshfield had heard about a walking trail that was made by a boy scout troupe and wanted to check it out. It was suppose to be near the collage campus. So he headed over there. He walked around and couldn't find it. He asked a couple of young people if they knew where it was. They didn't. So he then decided to head home. As he was walking home a bunch of cop cars headed to the campus with lights flashing and sirens blaring. When he got home they had turned on the news and learned that there was a possible shooter on the collage campus. They listened to the details of the description of the person. They described the man as being a disoriented elderly gentleman with a possible gun in his pocket. They said what he was wearing. It sounded a lot like him. So they called the police station to find out a little more about it and tell them he thought it was him. He asked them to send him a picture of the young people who made the claim. It was the same ones he had talked to. He told the police the only thing he could think of that they mistook for a gun was his black glove sticking out of his pocket. It is winter here you know.
It's kind of funny and sad at the same time. No one trusts anyone now a days. An innocent thing can be made into something it is not. But then again so many people are going off the deep end lately you can't take any chances. But sometimes I think some people are looking to be involved with something big so they can have bragging rights to being involved.
I suppose I will make a comment on the other thing happening this week. The Impeachment. He is only half impeached. I don't know if he will be all the way impeached or not. He should be. He has done so much more damage to this country then any other president has ever done. He has divided this country in so many ways. I think this country will never recover. This could really be the beginning of the end of this country as we know it.
I lay blame for this whole mess not only at his feet but all Democrats and Republicans alike. This us against them things has got to stop.
I don't think there is anyone out there that can fix things. Not the way they stand now.
But I guess I will stick to my promise and try not to comment on the going on. No one will listen to me anyway.
So, hopefully next time I post it will not involve anything political. Unless he is gotten rid of. Then I can do the happy dance for about a minute before I realize we end up with someone just as bad or worse.
So till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.