Pondering things in my life and the world

Well, it's been an interesting time lately. 
My life has gotten a little bit more challenging.
Last weekend the mother-in-law had a stroke. The in-law family and the husband are going through a very challenging time. We for some reason have ended up with two of her dogs.
The mother-in-law is still in the hospital. They are not sure if she will ever be able to back to her home. So I wonder how long I will have to take care of two of her dogs. 
Here a couple of pictures of them.

 This one is Little foot. But also called Little Man. He is old. We have to keep a close eye on him or he will poo and pee anywhere in the house. He is also an escape artist. But I think we have that problem solved. At least I hope so.
 This is Luck. He can be a wiggle worm but at least he doesn't go in the house. 

I'm not sure if this is a permanent thing or not. Or if someone else in the family wants them.
There is another dog. Called Whitey. But only a couple of other people can get near him. He is a bigger dog. I'm not sure who is caring for him.

So that's what's happening in my life.
Now how about the rest of the world.
It snowed here yesterday and last night. Not much by winter standards. Maybe an inch. It won't stick around but I'm really not ready for it.
But Mother Nature is giving  a lot of places the what for.
The main question that no one knows the real answer to is:
 Is it meant to be or is man making it worse with what we are doing to live?
My answer is a bit complicated.
Yes, it is the cycle of this planet.
Yes, we are making things worse.
But I think they are focusing on the wrong problems. I think some of the weather problems are linked to our use of electricity and radio waves.
I've noticed that since we are using so many more things that use the radio waves that it could be  what is affecting the atmosphere more then they want to acknowledge.
Or maybe there is something in outer space that is affecting us.

As for the world.
We are screwed.
Someone, somewhere is bent on starting the war that ends everything.
So many countries are at odds with themselves and their neighbors. Why now?
 And why are so many doing it in the most violent ways possible?
Is the world to interconnected?

The leadership in my country is at the worse I've ever seen. 
How did we get here?
Can it be fixed?
Is this the beginning of the end of The United States as we know it?
So many things to ponder. 

Well that's all I have to ponder for today.
I hope you will come back soon.
So remember:
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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