November 2017
I know, you are wondering why I'm late with this post. The best excuse I can give you, it's all the husband's fault.
Over a week ago he was hurt at work. He runs a loading dock. He got his right foot kind of smashed between to heavy carts. He thought be broke his leg when he called me from the emergency room. They told him he is a contusion. But he still can't walk on it. So since he can't get around very well I have to pick up the slack and help out with more things. Plus trying to pick up after him is a challenge enough too.
He tries to do somethings but it's kind of hard and makes him very frustrated when he has to get my help. But it has not stopped him from going bow hunting. Too many nice bucks showing up on the trail camera. He did get one.
I guess it's a seven pointer. Notice the crutches in the background.
Nice big body. So we will have some good meat for the freezer.
There was one other thing that showed up on the camera that can not be shot.
An albino buck.
I hope he can hang around and get his picture taken from time to time. But the husband says that he more then likely gets pushed around by the other deer an will not be seen much or ever again on the camera. I hope he is wrong.
Since I didn't post on the first I still think I owe you a picture of the back yard. I took it on Saturday morning.
Most of it is gone already. It's suppose to be on the rainy side today. But that's November in Wisconsin. You never know when the snow will start and stay. But I do know that this winter will be a lot different then last year. At least according to the way my turkey molted. For awhile she looked like a cross between a turkey and a porcupine she molted so much. She is all feathered out again so she is ready for what ever Mother Nature has in store for her.
As for a project. Not done yet. I still have to put it together yet. Maybe next time I'll have a picture for you.
I suppose it's time to do some pondering.
The world is a mess.
People are crazy.
Killing people they don't even know for reasons that will never help anyone.
Using the excuse it's for their God.
News flash, the one God is the same for all. Just different names for the same energy. At least that's the way I see it.
Unless we were all created by different aliens that gave certain groups different skin tones or hair color or something like that to tell the different groups apart. So they would know which group they came from when ever they come back to check on us.
Boy if they have not been around lately, they are in for a big surprise.
But then again maybe they have something to do with the stupidity that seems to be running wild.
Maybe they are getting tired of the things we are doing and have set in motion the events that will lead us to a kind of reset.
All great civilizations and empires come to end eventually.
Look at the Roman empire. It got to big and eventually crumbled.
The Mayan empire.
All the unexplained ancient things that are next to impossible to explain who the people were and how they really lived. It's all a guessing game.
I know that there is something really big in the works that will change things that most people are not prepared for. It will be a combination of man made things and nature made things.
I would like to say, is get your head out of your phone, get off social media and pay attention to the signs around you and do something to educate yourself , your family and others. Pay attention to the real world around you and you will be just fine.
Use your common sense that I know you have.
Respect one another.
Some people have got to stop calling other names. This is a message to President Dweeb. Stop playing games with everyone's lives. The failure of this country will be your legacy. Count on it.
I know it's harsh. But maybe it's time to think twice about what it really motivating him to say the things he is the way he is. Maybe it's something bigger then he even understands.
Well, I know I could write more but it's time to start a very long day with helping the husband do somethings plus my usual everyday boring humdrum things. Just glad I have an extra hour to get something done today.
So remember, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.