Pondering the possibilities
I know I have only been doing this once a month lately and your wondering what I'm doing here at this time of the month. I couldn't wait any longer to say a few things that have been on my mind lately. First I'll get the top thing off my mind. The up coming election. I think it is nothing but a farce. The top two people that are running are the worst of the worst. How did we allow this to happen? Or did we? Did the average person really choose them? Is it possible they are just a distraction from what is really going on? WWIII If that is the case then we as a country, and lets face it as the whole world are up shit creek without a paddle. Ever since this election thing started last year I had a feeling it was going to be nothing but a joke. And it is. It does not matter who gets voted in. The changes that are about to happen are going to be very hard to everyone. Except the 1% that know exactly where we are headed. That's why they are trying...