Oct. 1, 2015

Well it's the first of the month again. I know I keep promising to post more often and I don't. I do try to think about it. I'm starting to make little notes about things I could ponder but for some reason I don't. One day I will surprise you and do it more often.
Anyway here is the latest picture of the swing.

I decided to change the angle I take. We have used the fire pit a few times. It's very cozy. Maybe some time soon I'll have to invite a few friends to come over for a little campfire therapy. I also want to get some special chairs to put around the pit.

Here is the picture from last year.

 Looks a bit different.

Once again I have not made a project from the book but I will be starting one real soon I promise.

As for pondering's, there are a few different things I can write about.
Image result for daraprim
One thing was that guy who was trying to increase the price of a pill from $18 to $750. Talk about super greed. I looked up what the pill was for. It treats a parasite.A kind of parasite that people with week immune systems can get. He was suppose to lower the cost down again but I have not heard what he lowered it to. Just an example of the kind of dumb leadership that is beginning to show up everywhere. 
They like to use the saying it looks good on paper so it has to work in reality, right? Wrong!
The people who are making these kind of decisions have never worked the job they are suppose to be leading. To be a good leader you have to know everything about how it is done.

 As I'm writing this the news is reporting a shooting at a community collage.
Image result for oregon shooting

How many more of these kind of shootings are we going to have to deal with?
People want to say it's a gun issue. 
I say it's a people issue. It takes a person to pull the trigger before it goes off.
I'm not a gun person. The husband has a number of guns for hunting. 
I can't imagine pulling a trigger and killing another human being.
To end someones life in the blink of an eye.
Then the shooter ends up dead. Is this a suicide by cop thing for some?
We can debate this issue till the cows come home. Look the cows are home. Kidding.
We can debate this issue till the end of time and never come to any agreement on how to handle it.
Maybe people should think about how much violence to shown to young people at a very young age. TV, neighborhoods, families. It's everywhere. People are constantly on edge.
Today at work one guy told me I don't have to say please when I ask for something. I don't have to be polite at work. But that's me. I feel more comfortable being nice and saying "Please" and "Thank you" when I need help with something.Or even saying "Sorry" I have found people usually respond better if you show them respect by using better language. And being calm and  patient gets better results.
Try it some time.You will surprised how much positive energy you will feel.   

I want to show you one more thing before I go.
I found this little bird sitting on the deck next to the house. He might have flown into the window or screen. He was a little out of it when I found him. I had to pick him up before the dog got it. It sat on my finger for awhile. See that spot on my shirt. He throw up on me. I believe he was drunk on berries. It looked like it was eating black berries. He sat on my finger for a few more minutes before he finally flew across the yard to a tree.

Well that was my excitement this last weekend. I wonder how many more drunken birds I'll find this fall and how many more will throw up on me?
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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