September 1, 2015

I know I'm a day late and a dollar short. I have a good excuse. I was on a short trip to Minnesota and did not get home till later in the day. 
First here is the first of the month picture of the swing. (I did take one last night after we got home)
 As you can see the food plot the husband planted is growing nicely. 
I suppose your wondering what is in front of it now.
Let me show you.
It's our version of a fire pit area. It's not completely done yet but it is usable now. We plan on making a kind of planter around three sides where I hope to plant plants that help keep mosquitoes away. Plus on the corners will be places to hang containers for candles. I finally found what I wanted. They already have citronella candles in them. Now to get the right kind of weekend and it will be the perfect place to chill out.

  I have not been working on any plastic canvas projects. I can't seem to get myself in the mood. Maybe when it starts getting colder again I will. And according to some people it just might be that kind of winter.

As for ponders, there are a lot I could ponder.
Like politics.
It's not looking good.
It's getting to the point that it's just nothing but a mud feast. And with Trump having no filter it's going to be the worst one yet. If he becomes the president it will bring about the end of the US that much faster. 
We complain about bullies, he's the worst of the worst. 

 Image result for trump
I wonder if he really wanted to use a different finger in this picture.
If you think the tea party people are bad, this guy is a whole lot worse.

Image result for scott walker
This guy is just as bad. I'm from Wisconsin so I know what he could do. His recent idea of building a fence along the US Canadian boarder is nuts. Who will pay for that one? 
Could you imagine if Trump and Walker had their way building fences on both boarders. We just might as well call it the Great Walls of Stupid. Or maybe they think that since there is no wall in Germany any more that we should have one just like it. A new history of a cold war on the word. The USA vs. the Whole World.

As for Hillary Clinton,
Image result for hillary clinton
I would love to see a woman president but I don't think she is the right one. To many questions about to many things.

As for what seams like open season on police, KNOCK IT OFF!!!!
No one deserves to die at any ones hands no matter who you are! ALL LIVES MATTER!!!!
 Image result for latest cop shooting man hunt in Ill
How many more times will we learn about something like this?
The only thing that will come of this continued activity is a total state of paranoia, worse then it is now.
Freedom will be a thing of the past.
The biggest questions are; 
How do we as a nation change for the better?
 How do we get trust of one another back?
 When can we look past our differences?  
Will we ever be able to judge on true personality and not bad stereo type? 

So many things to think about for better change. Can we ever do it or will we continue on the path of self destruction?

Well that's all I have to ponder today. I hope to be able to post sooner then once a month, soon. 
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities. 


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