July 1, 2015

Another month has gone by. Where is the year going? 
I keep promising to post more often but for some reason I can not find the time and or motivation to do it. I do have another blog where I do have myself on a schedule, posting twice a week.That blog is called Dear Howard: A fading History, if you don't already know about it. 
Plus right now I'm involved with a play, which I have a part in. The play is Called "A Bad Year for Tomatoes". The show dates are next weekend. It's a very funny play. 
I  have not been making any plastic canvas because of the play plus I had to teach myself how do knit. My character knits on stage. Now the only thing I have to figure out is what to do with what I'm knitting. 
Those are my present excuses for not posting here.

Here is the picture I just took of the swing for the 1st of July.

 If you notice in the background there are hay bales on the field. They belong to my brother-in-law.
Now here is what it looked like last year.

What a difference a year makes. The grass looks a lot greener this year then it was last year. Or maybe it was just a little more sunny today then it was last year. Or maybe it's because the swing was painted this year. I still want to do some thing around the swing. Not sure exactly what but I'm hoping to focus on it more once I'm done with the play. I'll try to keep you posted.

Well this is Ponder Pages so I better ponder something.

One thing I can bring up is about all the people that are throwing their hat in the ring to be the next president of the USA. 
There are a few that are always in the news. So here are why I don't like the certain ones.

Bush. Not a good idea. I like to tell people the country is Bushed out. Two have been in office and both made bad chooses for the country. If a third one gets in, well lets just say I see three strikes and we are done for good.

Trump. Never going to happen. He just keeps putting both feet in his mouth with all of his idiotic words. I think he is just bored and has to much money so he's just throwing it away instead of  fixing his mistakes on his  businesses and making the lives of all of the people that work for him better, even the maids that have to clean up after him. I'd like to tell him to be really respected, you have to treat All people with respect. To get respect you have to give respect.

Christie. Well he just announced. I'm not sure exactly what to think of him. There are a few things like the Bridge gate. He does have the kind of matter a fact personality that might be good but it all depends on who he has working for him. He does have a history of picking the wrong people to work for him. 

Cruz. he has made some very bad comments that have rubbed a number of people the wrong way. Including me. Not a good choice in my book.

Graham. I think he could be the kind of guy that would be shot first and worry later.

Huckabee. Not a good choice either. He has rubbed to many people the wrong way. Plus he has a religious influence. 

Paul. All I will say is Tea Party. I no like them. They big trouble for all.

Clinton: I would love to see a woman president. The only question I have is she the right one? Or maybe it's just the old boys club doing their best to make her look bad. 

Walker: I know he has not yet announced if he is running. But being from Wisconsin I will say, Not a good idea. He has messed things up here and ticked off a lot of people here. Plus he is Tea Party. I am no fan of anyone who is Tea Party.

Enough politics.
Will we ever be able to get past judging other people for what they look like? I mean color of their skin. I do not judge people by what they look like. If you act like an idiot it does not matter to me what color you are. I know people who look like me that are some of the biggest, lets call them pain in the butts, that do very idiotic things. 
Lets say two people did the exact same crime. One white and one black. In my book they would both get the exact same punishment. 
So if you don't want to be thought of or look at as bad, stop doing the bad stereo type things. But I know that is asking of the impossible. You can express yourself however you want but as soon as you harm someone else for whatever selfish reasons it will be a very hard fought battle to change the direction of your life.

As for that idiot kid that killed all those people in a church hoping to start a race war. I don't know what to say. I just hope that he did not trigger something. Because of all the black churches that have been burned down lately. Judging people by the color of their skin is wrong. Blaming them for your own self hate-rid never turns out the way you envision it. Never!

Well that's about all I have for you today. I will try to drop by more often. I know, promises, promises.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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