It's Christmas time Ponders
I wasn't going to post anything right now but, I changed my mind. So sue me. It's early morning, almost 6 am. The husband snored me out of bed, again. When he does that on the weekends I usually check my computer things while it's quiet. This morning while going through things I had time and a few thoughts to get off my chest. What kind of things you ask? Well there has been a lot of things going on in the world that are really sad to be happening at what is suppose to be the happiest time of the year. Seeing I got time I will put my two cents worth in. The thing going on with Sony and being hacked by someone. The finger is being pointed at North Korea. I'm not sure how I feel about the movie "The Interview" being pulled from being shown to the public. I will say it's only a movie, so chill out. I did not plan on seeing it because it did not appeal to me. In my opinion when they made the movie they could have made up a country and nam...