A day late and a dollar short
As you can see things are very green. Finally!
I do have a plan that will someday, hopefully soon, fix the swing up and make it look more inviting to hang out on. Plus there is a fire pit not far from the swing that I also want to make more usable. But right now I'm trying to get something worked out in front of the house. When I have it all set up the way I want it I will show you the finished product. That is weather permitting and the husband getting the right size blocks to make it look better.
Speaking of weather here is a picture I took a little while ago.
A rainbow!
Well part of a rainbow. It's not easy to see the whole thing when you have a lot of trees around you.
Now for what else I have to say. I'll make the comments as short as possible.
This guy... An over privileged spoiled idiot blaming the world for his own short comings.
This guy..... A deserter or just a person with bad judgment on where to walk around in a war zone. Maybe with the swapping of him in exchange for returning 5 other guys to the Taliban is just the USA's way of saying "We are ready to leave Afghanistan to you."
A plane crash at an air show in Stevens Point WI. The pilot was killed. He was 47 years old. William Cowden. I might have been in Wausau when then happened.
I was saddened over hearing about the death of Ann B. Davis. Alice.
"Pork chops and applesauce" Just one of many things I remember about the show. She was an amazing person.
Well not much else in my hum drum boring life.
So I'll close for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.