If it ain't one thing it's another plus a project

Lately things seam like they are getting more and more unstable. Not to say things were even stable to begin with. Like Putin.
For some reason this guy is being like totally cagey. At least that's one way to put it. The way I see it is he wants to bring the Soviet Union back together again, just like it was when he was younger. If he has to start WWIII so be it. I'm so glad I'm not a politician. What a mess to have to deal with. They have to complicate things so much because they always want to be top dog. I just wonder what his next move will be. If could talk to him I'd ask him if he really thinks things would be better. The way the world economies are right now it don't matter what anyone does it can't be fixed or improved. Remember the more you have to take care of the bigger the head aches. Big government means having to take care of a lot more lazy bums. Smaller is better. The bigger you get the more epic the fail. Just a few things to think about.

How about the guy that shot people at a couple of Jewish centers?
The people he killed were not even Jewish. This is someone who, if it was my court of law, would be taken down the hall and never seen by anyone again. I know it sounds cruel but what about what he did to his victims? He didn't give them a chance to say good-bye so why should we. If this was an option maybe some people wouldn't do the things they do knowing they won't be sitting in a jail cell for maybe decades before they are put to sleep forever.

Now for the weather. I thought it was going to be spring around here, but NO! On Monday I woke to about 4 inches of fresh snow. Plus I had a hard time sleeping that night. I kept hearing a voice during the night. The electricity kept going off and every time it came back on the answering machine would sound off about it.   Just when almost all of the snow had finally melted away. Except where the snow banks are. And now it looks like we will be getting another 5 inches tonight and tomorrow. I'm thinking of changing the name of my state to Wislaska. What do you think?

I know this post sounds very depressing. Well I blame it on the snow not staying away.

I did finish another project. Here it is
It's another coaster set.Yeah!!  Just the coasters no holder.

well that's all for now.
Till next time.
Keep on pondering the pondering possibilities. 


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