Old time justice

It's early in the morning and once again I've been snored out of bed. After looking around at things on the computer I thought I'd look at the local paper. In our local paper, The Star News, there is a section called The Time Machine. In this regular column they have news from the past. Things from 10 years ago, 25 years ago, 50 years, 75 years and 100 years ago. I get a kick out of things that made the news 100 years ago. Like the one this week.
 Could you imagine trying to do this kind of justice in today's world? 
I find it very interesting how justice was dealt with in my grandfather's time. Like in one of the old letters written to my grandfather in I think 1919.(I'll post it sometime in the future so you can read it for yourself) In this letter the girl describes a crime in Chicago where a man killed a young girl and hid her body in a coal pile. When she was writing this letter the next day the man was going to be hung. I'm not sure how much time there was between the crime and the punishment. But back then I think the punishment was done allot faster then it is today.

Another thing the local paper has is a drawing of an accident that happen recently. Here's the one from this week.

As you can see it was just a simple case of hit and run. It is not the only accident that is written out  that happened. Just the one that they chose to draw out. I wonder how they decide which one to illustrate? 
Oh well just some of the local news from a small town paper. 
What was the top head line this week you ask?
Merger derailed
It was about the possibility of merging the aging office with human services.
The other thing on the front page was a local woman getting a chance to join an Olympic team for curling. I'm not into curling, never was. But it's something certain people are really big into. Me. Throwing a big rock down the ice and having people sweep a certain path for it to follow, is not my idea of fun. I would rather put my ice skates on if I'm on ice.

  Oh well what did you expect this early in the morning.
Till next time keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.


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