
Showing posts from November, 2012


   Did you survive Black Friday? I did. The only thing I bought yesterday was a dryer because mine died. That's the only reason I was in any store at all. I do not like Black Friday kind of shopping. There is nothing I really need that I would do some of things people do to get somethings. I waited till later in the day to make my purchase. But it is really sad when you think about it. To live we must always be buying something or people look at you funny. I've got a saying I made up."To live you must profit from others, at the expense of others." Allot of people really don't care what it takes to get what they want just as long as they get what they think they need to be just like everyone else. It's a sad life we lead.     This is something most people would never consider. To me bigger and more expensive things will not make me a more important person. I'll just look like a big sucker so to speak. I wonder when this extreme spending became su...

Secede from the Nation?

Life for me is as boring and humdrum as always. I get up. I go to work. I take care of my critters. I do house work. I go to bed. That about sums up a usual humdrum day for me. I do from time to time ask people an off the wall kind of question, just to entertain myself while I'm at work. The latest question is based on something I heard on the news.  States that want to secede from the nation.    So I was asking them if they could think of anyone who would sign a petition like that. Some gave names, some even said they would. When they said they would I was a little surprised but, I knew they really didn't think about what it would take to do something like that.  Just think what it would take to really start over. You would more then likely lose social security and medicare. No more being taken care of in anyway shape or form.( That's one thing I think should be encouraged less anyway.)  Family members that live in other states that did not secede from the...

Change is a happening, as always

Sorry I'm late doing a post but I was not sure what I wanted to post. I also worked Saturday morning and slept a little later Sunday morning. I do my best writing early in the morning on the weekends. Then I suppose your wondering why I'm I writing on a Tuesday morning? I've got the day off because the husband has a doctor appointment. I usually don't put this kind of thing here but it's time to talk about it. He has a  ruptured disk in his back. He will be having surgery next month. So we are dealing with allot of emotional stuff right now. Nerves are starting to ramp up. So from time to time I will have more posts or not post for a long time. But when I do I'll try to say something that is worth pondering for ya all. So let me begin my ponders: Well now that the elections are over, no more political adds to drive us nuts.     But it does not mean the messes are over. There are new messes, new distractions and new secrets to expose. Secrets like the Gen...

Hurrican Me and turkeys

Well this last week for me was very boring and hum drum for the most part. Although with my name being Sandy I was getting blamed for all the destruction. I will say I did warn them I was coming. Maybe next time people will heed my warning when I tell them bigger trouble is coming their way. I don't mess around.   And by the way when you name a hurricane Sandy you better be ready for a whole lot of sand to come with it. It must be kind of weird plowing sand off the streets instead of snow. Sand is worse. Snow will eventually melt on it's own while sand will not. With all this mess in New York it was a very good thing they finally cancelled that marathon. A little later then they should have but at least they finally woke up about what should be the top thing to concentrate on. With this being November already, I hope they are thinking about the Thanksgiving. I wonder if they will still have the parade?  But I suppose one thing at a time. It looks like they will be dealin...