Red solo cup

I don't know about you but if you've ever heard the song Red Solo Cup by Toby Keith, you know how easy it is to get it stuck in your heard.
Just writing about it I run the risk of it getting trapped for longer then I want, which happened on Thursday. 
It was the first song I heard when I turned on the radio in the car that day. It was the end of the song so I did not turn the station, I usually listen to the news on the way to work on the local radio station. 
So needless to say that song was trapped in my head for over half the day. Between trying to get it out of my head and running around doing my job I had a good headache. When I say run around doing my job I mean my job is walking back and forth for 8 hours doing paper work for a number of different lines. On my feet only sitting down for a 10 minute break and a 15 minute lunch break or going to bathroom, that's it. Because of all the noise there is nothing to listen to but allot of noisy equipment( that's why we wear ear plugs), so no other song to try to chase that one out of my head.
You ask why I didn't take something for the headache when it started , well I'll tell ya. I had a dentist appointment after work where they redid one of my fillings. I did not take any thing because, I know this is going to sound dumb and you'll roll your eyes but, I was not sure what would happen for sure between my taking something for my head and them freezing half my mouth. I'm one of those people who can have the most unheard of reactions when taking medications. So I figured better safe then sorry. I try to do other things to ease the pain like, focusing on my breathing, massaging my head, those kind of things. I made it through the appointment no problem. 
Once I got home I did take something for my head. It worked.

The husband is still home from work till this next week. Where he works they had a plant shut down for two weeks. So with only a few days left for bow hunting he went hunting. By the time he got home( after dark) I was no longer numb and was able to eat something without it feeling like it was going to dribble out of the side of my mouth. Guess what, he got another deer. He had to come home and call a neighbor to ask if he could go and get it because the deer decided to jump the fence after being shot. The neighbor said it was okay. 
So the husband left to go find his deer. I decided to go to town and watch the auditions for the next play. I'm not trying out because I feel I do not fit a role. I told them I'll be in charge of the backstage. 
Anyway, I was telling them about how bad my day was and that it started with a song on the radio. I did not even have to say the name and one of them knew which one it was. 
I'm not the only one who gets tormented by that song.
So I ask you is there a song out there that when you hear it, it gets trapped in my head and it takes forever to get it out?
I know most parents of small children will say a song for a cartoon. Bin there done that.

Oh if your wondering if the husband found his deer. He did, after it bled out. He followed the blood trail  almost to another neighbors land. It bled very heavily. He didn't think it was ever going to drop for good. He heard a big crunch and thought it took off again so he decided to back off on the tracking it and came home till I came home again, about an hour later. He got out there and picked up where he left off and not 50 feet from where he stopped there laid the deer. That crash he heard was the deer falling for the last time.

Well that's about it for now.
Till next time, keep on pondering the pondering possibilities.  


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